DEPARTMENT: Development Services
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Michael Shannon
Zoning Case Z2018293 S
Current Zoning: "MF-50 GC-1 MLOD-1" Multi-Family Hill Country Gateway Corridor Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District and "C-3 GC-1 MLOD-1" General Commercial Hill Country Gateway Corridor Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District to
Requested Zoning: "C-2 S GC-1 MLOD-1" Commercial Hill Country Gateway Corridor Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District with Specific Use Authorization for Sport Court(s) - Outdoor Uses Permitted
Zoning Commission Hearing Date: September 4, 2018; this case is expedited to the City Council hearing of September 6, 2018.
Case Manager: Marco Hinojosa, Planner
Property Owner: Galleria Ventures LTD (c/o Galleria General Partner LLC, GP; c/o Amin Guindi Cohen, Manger/Director)
Applicant: Galleria Ventures LTD (c/o Galleria General Partner LLC, GP; c/o Amin Guindi Cohen, Manger/Director)
Representative: Brown & Ortiz, P.C. (c/o Kenneth Brown)
Location: Generally located west of the intersection of Vance Jackson Road and UTSA Boulevard
Legal Description: 7.541 Acres out of NCB 15825
Total Acreage: 7.541
Notices Mailed
Owners of Property within 200 feet: 6
Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet: None
Applicable Agencies: Camp Bullis
Property Details
Property History: The subject property was rezoned from “I-1” to “C-3” General Commercial District and “MF-50” Multi-Family District by Ordinance 2006-08-17-0955, dated August 17, 2006.
Topography: The subject property is not located within the 100-year flood plain.
Adjacent Base Zoning and Land Uses
Direction: North
Current Base Zoning: “MF-50” and “C-3”
Current Land Uses: Vacant Lots
Direction: East
Current Base Zoning: “C-2” and “C-3”
Current Land Uses: Vacant Lots
Direction: South
Current Base Zoning: “MF-25” and “C-3”
Current Land Uses: San Miguel Apartments and Vacant Lot
Direction: West
Current Base Zoning: “C-2” and “C-3”
Current Land Uses: Vacant lot and Pecan Springs Apartments
Overlay and Special District Information:
All surrounding properties carry the "MLOD-1" Military Lighting Overlay District, due to their proximity to Camp Bullis. The "MLOD-1" does not restrict permitted uses, but does regulate outdoor lighting in an effort to minimize night-time light pollution and its effects on operations at the military installation.
Thoroughfare: UTSA Boulevard
Existing Character: Secondary Arterial Type A
Proposed Changes: None Known
Public Transit: VIA bus routes are within walking distance of the subject property.
Routes Served: 603
Traffic Impact: A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) is not required. The traffic generated by the proposed development does not exceed the threshold requirements.
Parking Information:
The minimum number of parking spaces for a restaurant is 1 space per 100 sf GFA. The minimum number of parking spaces for a commercial, outdoor, tennis, racquetball or handball court is 1 space per 6 seats sf GFA if no permanent seats.
Denial of the requested zoning change would result in the subject property retaining the present zoning district designation of “MF-50” and “C-3”. “MF-50” permits multi-family dwellings with a maximum density of 50 units per acre. “C-3” permits uses such as bar/tavern & nightclub, amusement/theme parks, dance hall, indoor movie theater, auto repair, auto sales, auto glass sales (installation permitted), auto muffler (sales and installation only), hotel, bookbinder, dry cleaning or laundry plant, indoor flea market, home improvement center, body piercing/massage/tattoo parlor. No outdoor storage is permitted. Outdoor operations and display shall be permitted in areas which are screened as provided in 35-510 of the Unified Development Code.
Proximity to Regional Center/Premium Transit Corridor
The property is located within the UTSA Regional Center and half a mile of a Premium Transit Corridor.
Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Staff recommends Approval. The Zoning Commission recommendation is pending the September 4, 2018 hearing.
Criteria for Review: According to Section 35-421, zoning amendments shall be based on the approval criteria below.
1. Consistency:
The property is located within the North Sector Plan, and is currently designated as “Mixed Use Center” in the future land use component of the plan. The requested “C-2 S” Commercial base zoning district is consistent with the future land use designation.
2. Adverse Impacts on Neighboring Lands:
Staff has not found evidence of likely adverse impacts on neighboring lands in relation to this zoning change request. The requested “C-2 S” is a down zoning from the portion currently zoned “C-3”.
3. Suitability as Presently Zoned:
The current “MF-50” Multi-family District is an appropriate zoning for the property and surrounding area. However, the portion zoned “C-3” is far outside any major highway or intersection and will be better suited as “C-2”.
4. Health, Safety and Welfare:
Staff has not found indication of likely adverse effects on the public health, safety, or welfare.
5. Public Policy:
The proposed rezoning does not appear to conflict with the following goals, principles, and objectives of the North Sector Plan.
North Sector Plan Relevant Goals and Objectives:
• Goal ED-1: Compatible economic development along major transportation routes and existing activity centers that do not interfere with the mission of Camp Bullis.
o ED-1.3: Continue to maintain and revitalize the North Sector to retain and expand vibrant retail and commercial uses within the IH-10, IH-35, Loop 410 and Loop 1604 corridors and/or centers.
• Goal LU-1: Compatible land use pattern promoted so that natural resources are preserved and the local economy remains viable.
o LU-3.1: Set priority for pursuing a compatible and highest and best use for development of vacant infill and underutilized parcels between Loop 1604 and Loop 410 in a compatible manner as recommended in the Sector Land Use Plan.
o LU-3.2: Integrate mixed use areas vertically as well as horizontally, allowing for differing uses within the same building, as well as within the same project area.
o LU-6.4: Maintain a distinct urban edge between Regional and Mixed Use Centers and adjacent Tiers (using open space) to promote vitality, while creating a gradual transition in density and intensity.
o LU-6.5: Encourage development that is visually and functionally compatible with its surrounding neighborhoods by maintaining a massing and density of development that is compatible with adjacent developed neighborhoods.
6. Size of Tract:
The subject property is 7.541 acres, which would adequately support a restaurant with outdoor pickleball courts.
7. Other Factors:
The purpose of the Specific Use Authorization is to provide for certain uses which, because of their unique characteristics or potential impacts on adjacent land uses, are not generally permitted in certain zoning districts as a matter of right, but with may, under the right set of circumstances and conditions be acceptable in certain specific locations.
The proposed use is a restaurant with outdoor pickleball courts. Pickleball is a game resembling tennis and table tennis in which players use small paddles to hit a perforated plastic ball over a net.