DEPARTMENT: Development Services
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Michael Shannon
Plan Amendment 18103
(Associated Zoning Case Z2018348)
Comprehensive Plan Component: North Sector Plan
Plan Adoption Date: August 5, 2010
Current Land Use Category: “Rural Estate Tier”
Proposed Land Use Category: “General Urban Tier”
Planning Commission Hearing Date: October 24, 2018
Case Manager: Marco Hinojosa, Planner
Property Owner: 1604 UT Properties LLC, Bidan Bonakchi
Applicant: David Vesica
Representative: Brown & Ortiz, P.C. (c/o James McKnight)
Location: Generally located southeast of the Kyle Seale Parkway and Babcock Road intersection.
Legal Description: 5.874 acres out of CB 4718
Total Acreage: 5.874
Notices Mailed
Owners of Property within 200 feet: 15
Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet: None
Applicable Agencies: Camp Bullis
Thoroughfare: Babcock Road
Existing Character: Secondary Arterial Type A
Proposed Changes: None Known
Public Transit: VIA bus routes are not within walking distance of the subject property.
Routes Served: NA
Thoroughfare: Kyle Seale Parkway
Existing Character: Secondary Arterial Type A
Proposed Changes: None Known
Public Transit: VIA bus routes are not within walking distance of the subject property.
Routes Served: NA
Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive Plan Component: North Sector Plan
Plan Adoption Date: August 5, 2010
Plan Goals:
• Goal LU-1 Compatible land use pattern promoted so that natural resources are preserved and the local economy remains viable
o LU-1.1 Locate buffers between high density/intensity land uses that are potentially incompatible.
Comprehensive Land Use Categories
Land Use Category: “Rural Estate Tier”
RESIDENTIAL: Low Density Residential Estate
Generally: Large tract detached single family housing; Served by central water and septic systems; Lots greater than 1/2 acre.
NON-RESIDENTIAL: Neighborhood Commercial
Generally: Outlying areas where detached and limited retail services such as convenience stores, service stations, professional offices, restaurants, bed and breakfasts, and other small businesses are appropriate
Related Zoning Districts: RP, RE, R-20, O-1, NC, C1, RD
LOCATION: Commercial uses to serve these low density rural estate neighborhoods should be located at the intersection of arterials, collectors, and/or rural roads. Although these uses are small scale, they serve a large geographic area and therefore are primarily accessed by car, nearby road should be friendly to bicycles and pedestrians.
Land Use Category: “General Urban Tier”
RESIDENTIAL: Medium to High Density
Generally: Small tract detached Multi-Family including apartments, quadplexes, triplexes, duplexes, and townhomes (condominiums)
NON-RESIDENTIAL: Community Commercial
Generally: Urbanized areas where frequent and/or attached walkable retail services such as convenience retail stores, live/work units, cafes, grocery stores, hotels, clinics and other small businesses are appropriate
Related Zoning Districts: R-4, R-3, RM-6, RM-5, RM-4, MF-18, MF-25, MF-33, O-1.5, C-1, C-2, C-2P, UD
LOCATION: Community commercial uses in the General Urban Tier, which serve medium and high density residential uses, should be located at the intersections of arterials and/or collectors. Serving both a local and wider community, these commercial areas should be accessible by walking from nearby residents, biking within the vicinity, and cars from a broader range. Parking for both cars and bikes should be located as to not interfere with pedestrian circulation.
Land Use Overview
Subject Property
Future Land Use Classification:
Rural Estate Tier
Current Land Use Classification:
Direction: North
Future Land Use Classification:
General Urban Tier
Current Land Use Classification:
The Retreat at Cross Mountain
Direction: East
Future Land Use Classification:
Rural Estate Tier
Current Land Use Classification:
Direction: South
Future Land Use Classification:
Current Land Use Classification:
Single-Family Residences
Direction: West
Future Land Use Classification:
Natural Tier
Current Land Use:
Cedar Creek Park
Proximity to Regional Center/Premium Transit Corridor
The property is not located within a Regional Center or a Premium Transit Corridor
Staff Analysis & Recommendation: Staff and Planning Commission (6-0) recommend Approval.
The proposed land use amendment from “Rural Estate Tier” to “General Urban Tier” is requested in order to rezone the property to "C-2 CD MLOD-1" Commercial Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District with Conditional Use for a Warehouse and "C-2 CD MSAO MLOD-1" Commercial Military Sound Attenuation Overlay Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District with Conditional Use for a Warehouse. This is consistent with the North Sector Plan’s goal to locate buffers between high density/intensity land uses that are potentially incompatible. Also, the “General Urban Tier” future land use classification will allow the opportunity for a mix of residential and commercial uses.
Sector Plan Criteria for review:
• The recommended land use pattern identified in the North Sector Land Use Plan inadequately provides appropriate optional sites for the land use change proposed in the amendment.
• The amendment must constitute an overall improvement to the Sector Plan and will not solely benefit a particular landowner or owners at a particular point in time.
• The amendment must uphold the vision for the future of the North Sector Plan
The amendment will not adversely impact a portion of, or the entire Planning Area by;
• Significantly altering acceptable existing land use patterns, especially in established neighborhoods.
• Affecting the existing character (i.e. visual, physical, and functional) of the immediate area.
• Creating activities that are not compatible with adjacent neighboring uses, and, particularly, the mission of Camp Bullis Base.
• Significantly alter recreational amenities such as open space, parks, and trails.
1. Recommend Denial of the proposed amendment to the North Sector Plan, as presented above.
2. Make an alternate recommendation.
3. Continue to a future date.
Current Zoning: "RE MLOD-1" Residential Estate Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District and "RE MSAO MLOD-1" Residential Estate Military Sound Attenuation Overlay Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District Proposed Zoning: "C-2 CD MLOD-1" Commercial Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District with Conditional Use for a Warehouse and "C-2 CD MSAO MLOD-1" Commercial Military Sound Attenuation Overlay Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District with Conditional Use for a Warehouse
Zoning Commission Hearing Date: November 6, 2018