DEPARTMENT: Development Services
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Roderick Sanchez
Zoning Case Z2015227
(Associated Plan Amendment 15055)
Current Zoning: "RM-4 H AHOD" Residential Mixed Dignowity Hill Historic Airport Hazard Overlay District
Requested Zoning: "IDZ H AHOD" Infill Development Zone Dignowity Hill Historic Airport Hazard Overlay District with five (5) single-family residential units
Zoning Commission Hearing Date: September 15, 2015
Case Manager: Mary Moralez-Gonzales, Planner
Property Owner: Logan Fullmer
Applicant: Logan Fullmer
Representative: Logan Fullmer
Location: 532 Dawson Street and 417 North Mesquite Street
Legal Description: 0.185 acres out of NCB 568
Total Acreage: 0.185
Notices Mailed
Owners of Property within 200 feet: 35
Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet: Dignowity Hill Neighborhood Association
Planning Team: Dignowity Hill Neighborhood Plan - 23
Applicable Agencies: Office of Historic Preservation, San Antonio Aviation Department
Property Details
Property History:
The subject property is located within the City Limits as they were recognized in 1938, and was originally zoned “B” Residence District. Upon adoption of the 1965 Unified Development Code, the property converted to “R-7” Single-Family Residential. Upon adoption of the 2001 Unified Development Code, the “R-7” zoning district converted to the current base zoning of “RM-4” Residential Mixed District.
The property does not include any abnormal physical features such as slope or inclusion in a flood plain.
Adjacent Base Zoning and Land Uses
Direction: North and West
Current Base Zoning: R-4 H, RM-4 H, R-6 H, RM-6 H
Current Land Uses: Single-Family Residences, Two-Family Residences
Direction: South
Current Base Zoning: RM-4 H, I-1 H
Current Land Uses: Single-Family Residence, Commercial Uses, Vacant Land
Direction: East
Current Base Zoning: RM-4 H, I-1 H
Current Land Uses: Single-Family Residences, Parking Lot, Charter Shuttle Services, Vacant Land
Overlay and Special District Information
All surrounding properties carry the "AHOD" Airport Hazard Overlay District, due to their proximity to an airport or approach path. The "AHOD" does not restrict permitted uses, but can require additional review of construction plans by both the Development Services Department and the Federal Aviation Administration.
The subject property and surrounding properties are designated as “H” Dignowity Hill Historic District. The designation provides for a design review process in which exterior modifications and new construction must be reviewed for their appropriateness before a building permit can be issued.
The subject property and surrounding properties carry the “H” Historic designation, signifying the historic architectural character or cultural significance of the structure or location. Historic designations do not affect the possible uses of the property, but do regulate the exterior aesthetic of the structure. Building plans and permit applications will be subject to review by the Office of Historic Preservation and the Historic and Design Review Commission (HDRC) prior to any permits being issued.
Thoroughfare: Dawson
Existing Character: Local Street; 1 lane in each direction
Proposed Changes: None known
Thoroughfare: North Mesquite Street
Existing Character: Local Street; 1 lane in each direction
Proposed Changes: None known
Public Transit: VIA bus route # 24-East Houston stops at East Houston Street between Mesquite Street and North Cherry Street located one block south.
Traffic Impact:
“IDZ” zoning is exempt from TIA requirements.
Parking Information:
Single-family dwellings - Minimum Parking Requirement: 1 space per unit. Maximum Parking Requirement: N/A
A denial of the request will result in the subject property retaining the current zoning classification, restricting future land uses to those permissible in the “RM-4 H AHOD” zoning district.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Approval.
Criteria for Review: According to Section 35-421, zoning amendments shall be based on the approval criteria below.
1. Consistency:
The subject property is located within the Dignowity Hill Neighborhood Plan and is designated as Low Density Residential in the future land use plan. Furthermore, the current base zoning of "RM-4” allows up to five (5) dwelling units, therefore, a request to construct five (5) single-family residential units is consistent with the intent of the Low Density Residential land use designation.
2. Adverse Impacts on Neighboring Lands:
The Dignowity Hill Historic District features a distinct set of site characteristics and architectural styles. As such, all new construction projects will be reviewed within the context of its individual block and the surrounding historic district by the Historic Design Review Commission. The HDRC approved the conceptual design and architectural style of five (5) single-family residential units for the subject property on September 2, 2015. Staff finds the zoning request does not adversely impact neighboring lands.
3. Suitability as Presently Zoned:
The subject property’s current zoning designation is suitable.
4. Health, Safety and Welfare:
Staff has found that the proposed zoning request will not negatively impact the health, safety, and welfare of the neighborhood.
5. Public Policy:
The zoning request does not appear to conflict with any public policy objectives.
6. Size of Tract:
The subject property totals 0.185 acres in size, which should reasonably accommodate the use requested.
7. Other Factors: