city of San Antonio

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File #: 19-8384   
Type: Zoning Case
In control: City Council A Session
On agenda: 12/5/2019
Posting Language: ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700193 S (Council District 1): Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "C-3NA NCD-5 AHOD" General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Beacon Hill Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-3NA S NCD-5 AHOD" General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Beacon Hill Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District with Specific Use Authorization for a Construction Contractor Facility on Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 19, NCB 6418, located at 738 West Hildebrand Avenue. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval, with Conditions.
Attachments: 1. Location Map, 2. Site Plan, 3. Zoning Minutes, 4. Draft Ordinance, 5. Ordinance 2019-12-05-1002

DEPARTMENT: Development Services                     


DEPARTMENT HEAD: Michael Shannon





Zoning Case Z-2019-10700193 S



Current Zoning: "C-3NA NCD-5 AHOD" General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Beacon Hill Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District


Requested Zoning: "C-3NA S NCD-5 AHOD" General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Beacon Hill Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District with Specific Use Authorization for Construction Contractor Facility



Zoning Commission Hearing Date: November 5, 2019.  This case is continued from the October 15, 2019 zoning hearing.


Case Manager: Dominic Silva, Senior Planner


Property Owner: Ritternandez Drywall, Inc.


Applicant: Ralph Hernandez


Representative: Ralph Hernandez


Location: 738 West Hildebrand Avenue


Legal Description: Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 19, NCB 6418


Total Acreage: 0.2009


Notices Mailed

Owners of Property within 200 feet: 34

Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet: Beacon Hill Area Neighborhood Association

Applicable Agencies: N/A


Property Details

Property History: The subject properties were included in the original 36 square miles of the City of San Antonio and were rezoned from “F” Local Retail District District to “B-3NA” Business Non-Alcoholic Sales District by Ordinance 86704, dated September 25, 1997. The property converted to the current “C-3NA” with the adoption of the 2001 Unified Development Code (UDC), established by Ordinance 93881, on May 3, 2001.


Topography:  The subject property is not located within the 100-year flood plain.


Adjacent Base Zoning and Land Uses

Direction: North

Current Base Zoning:  “C-2”

Current Land Uses: Commercial


Direction: East

Current Base Zoning: “C-3NA S”

Current Land Uses: Commercial


Direction: South

Current Base Zoning: “R-6”

Current Land Uses: Residential


Direction: West

Current Base Zoning: “C-3 NA”

Current Land Uses: Commercial


Overlay and Special District Information: 


All surrounding properties carry the "AHOD" Airport Hazard Overlay District, due to their proximity to an airport or approach path.  The "AHOD" does not restrict permitted uses, but can require additional review of construction plans by both the Development Services Department and the Federal Aviation Administration.



The Beacon Hill Area Neighborhood Conservation District (NCD-5) is an overlay zoning district that contains design guidelines for rehabilitation of existing residential and commercial development. Property owners, together with the Department of Planning and Community Development staff, develop the design guidelines. These guidelines can address building materials, height, size, massing, signage, sidewalk location, etc.  A zoning review is performed by the Zoning Section of the Development Services Department.



Thoroughfare:  Aganier Avenue

Existing Character:  Local

Proposed Changes:  None Known

Public Transit:  VIA bus routes are within walking distance of the subject property.

Routes Served: 509, 2, and 202.


Thoroughfare:  West Hildebrand Avenue

Existing Character:  Secondary Arterial B

Proposed Changes:  None Known

Public Transit:  VIA bus routes are within walking distance of the subject property.

Routes Served: 509, 2, and 202.


Traffic Impact:  A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) is required.


Parking Information:

Professional Office with Outside Storage: 1 per 300 sf GFA.






Current:  The present zoning district designation of “C-3” Commercial District provides for more intensive commercial uses than those located within the "NC," "C-1," "C-2" or "C-3" zoning districts. "C-3" uses are typically characterized as community and regional shopping centers, power centers and/or assembly of similar uses into a single complex under either single ownership or the structure of a property owners or condominium styled organization. "C-3" districts should incorporate shared internal circulation and limited curb cuts to arterial streets. These districts permit general commercial activities designed to serve the community such as repair shops, wholesale businesses, warehousing and limited retail sales with some outdoor display of goods. These districts promote a broad range of commercial operations and services necessary for large regions of the city, providing community balance.


Current:  The proposed “C-3 S” allows all of the above in addition to Construction Contractor Facility.





Proximity to Regional Center/Premium Transit Corridor

The subject property is located within a Premium Transit Corridor.



Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Staff and Zoning Commission (11-0) recommend Approval.


Criteria for Review:  According to Section 35-421, zoning amendments shall be based on the approval criteria below.


1.  Consistency: 

The property is located within the Midtown Neighborhood Plan, and is currently designated as “Mixed Use” in the future land use component of the plan.  The requested “C-3” base zoning district is consistent with the future land use designation.


2.  Adverse Impacts on Neighboring Lands: 

Staff finds no evidence of likely adverse impacts on neighboring lands in relation to this zoning change request.


3.  Suitability as Presently Zoned: 

The current “C-3” General Commercial District is an appropriate zoning for the property and surrounding area. The proposed zoning will not change the base zoning of “C-3.” The added “S” Specific Use will allow the applicant to add Construction Contractor Facility. The Specific Use authorization also allows consideration of conditions such as: hours of operation, no temporary signage, outside amplification, and other similar uses.


4.  Health, Safety and Welfare: 

Staff has not found indication of likely adverse effects on the public health, safety, or welfare.


5.  Public Policy: 

The rezoning request does not appear to conflict with the land use goals and strategies of the Midtown Neighborhood Plan.


Midtown Neighborhood Plan Goals:


                     Attract new neighborhood-friendly, locally owned, sustainable businesses that will meet the neighborhood’s daily needs, build on our base of “mom and pop” businesses and bring new vitality to the neighborhood’s commercial centers.


6.  Size of Tract: 

The subject property is 0.2009 acres, which would adequately support commercial redevelopment with screened outside storage.


7.  Other Factors: 

The purpose of the Specific Use Authorization is to provide for certain uses which, because of their unique characteristics or potential impacts on adjacent land uses, are not generally permitted in certain zoning districts as a matter of right, but may, under the right set of circumstances and conditions be acceptable in certain specific locations.


If approved the Zoning Commission recommends any storage or materials shall be enclosed in a walled and roofed structure.