DEPARTMENT: Convention & Sports Facilities
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Michael J. Sawaya
Audio Visual Technical Assistance Services for the Alamodome
This Ordinance authorizes an Agreement with Patricia A. Iverson DBA PMI Staffing Services, LLC to provide skilled staffing for the audio visual needs of the Alamodome on an as-needed basis. The term of the agreement is for a three (3) year period with an option for two (2) additional 1-year extensions. The estimated average amount for these services is $150,000 annually, $750,000.00 over the contract period including extensions. Funding for this contract is available through the proceeds received from each event. There is no impact to either the CSF operating budget or the City’s General Fund.
The Alamodome is a 65,000-seat multi-purpose facility, owned and operated by the City of San Antonio, that hosts conventions, concerts and shows such as Monster Jam and Disney on Ice, sporting events such as the University of San Antonio (UTSA) Roadrunners football games, the Annual Alamo Bowl Football Game, as well as the NCAA Final Four Basketball Championship (to be hosted in March 2018). Audio visual supplemental labor in addition to the Alamodome full-time staff is necessary to handle the high technical demand of hosting these events. The Alamodome recently invested its internal audio visual system to enhance the guest experience. Highly skilled workers are critical to operate and protect the City’s exclusive audio and video equipment. The number of workers needed varies considerably based on the size and complexity of the event. Proceeds received from clients for each event will cover the cost for the audio visual supplemental labor and will have no effect to the City’s operating budget.
The City released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Audio Visual Technical Assistance Services for the Alamodome, RFP 17-106, on September 6, 2017. The RFP was advertised in the San Antonio Express News and on the City’s website. Responses were due October 11, 2017, and a total of one (1) firm responded to the RFP. A selection committee, consisting of representatives from Convention & Sports Facilities came to a consensus that PMI Staffing, LLC met the published evaluation criteria which included: experience, background and qualifications, and proposed plan.
This contract will be awarded in compliance with the Small Business Economic Development Advocacy (SBEDA) Program. PMI Staffing, Inc. is a small, women-owned business enterprise that will perform 100% of the contract.
The proposed pricing is comparable to the current audio visual contract pricing which expires on December 31, 2017. The selection committee recommends entering into an agreement with Patricia A. Iverson DBA PMI Staffing Services, LLC, to provide qualified technical staffing for the audio visual needs of the Alamodome.
Due to the nature of hosted events such as concerts, shows like Monster Jam and Disney on Ice, sporting events like the University of San Antonio (UTSA) Roadrunners football games and the Annual Alamo Bowl Football Game, as well as the NCAA Final Four Basketball Championship (to be hosted in March 2018), the Alamodome has upgraded its internal audio visual system to enhance the guest experience. Running this type of system requires a number of highly skilled workers to execute and monitor many different functions. The number of workers needed varies considerably based on the size and complexity of the event.
Should this contract not be approved, the Convention and Sports Facilities Department would be required to hire enough skilled workers to staff the largest possible event needs at the Alamodome or be required to process individual procurements to provide audio visual services. Processing individual procurements will affect the cost of services provided to, and paid by our customers due to non-contract pricing.
There is no fiscal impact related to this contract. Funds are not encumbered by this ordinance. Funding for this contract is provided by each event client through a service chargeback. The total estimated amount of this contract is $150,000.00 annually, or $750,000.00 over the contract period and extensions.
Staff recommends authorizing an Agreement with Patricia A. Iverson DBA PMI Staffing Services, LLC to provide staffing for the audio visual needs of the Alamodome on an as-needed basis.
This contract was procured by utilizing a formal Request for Proposals; therefore, as required by the Ethics Ordinance, a Discretionary Contracts Disclosure Form is included herein as an attachment.