city of San Antonio

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File #: 17-4795   
Type: Plan Amendment
In control: City Council A Session
On agenda: 9/21/2017
Posting Language: PLAN AMENDMENT CASE # 17064 (Council District 5): An Ordinance amending the Nogalitos/Zarzamora Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use from “Low Density Residential” to “Medium Density Residential” on North 90.06 Feet of Lot 106 and Lot 107, NCB 6181, located at 262 Ray Avenue. Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2017209)
Attachments: 1. PA 17064 Proposed Map, 2. PA 17064 Aerial Map, 3. PA 17064 signed resolution, 4. draft ordinance, 5. Ordinance 2017-09-21-0735
Related files: 17-4506, 17-4889
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DEPARTMENT: Development Services                     


DEPARTMENT HEAD: Michael Shannon





Plan Amendment 17064

(Associated Zoning Case Z2017209)



Comprehensive Plan Component: Nogalitos/South Zarzamora Community Plan  


Plan Adoption Date:  September 30, 2004   


Current Land Use Category:  “Low Density Residential”                      


Proposed Land Use Category:  “Medium Density Residential”



Planning Commission Hearing Date:  August 9, 2017


Case Manager:  Erica Greene, Planner


Property Owner: Dahmar, LLC    


Applicant:  Aida Arrieta   


Representative: Aida Arrieta   


Location: 262 Ray Avenue


Legal Description: North 90.6 Feet of Lots 106 and 107, NCB 6181


Total Acreage:  0.1056 acres


Notices Mailed

Owners of Property within 200 feet:  35

Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet:  Collins Garden Neighborhood Association 

Applicable Agencies:  None



Thoroughfare:  Ray Avenue

Existing Character:  Local Street 

Proposed Changes:  None

Thoroughfare:  South Brazos Street

Existing Character: Local Street  

Proposed Changes: None


Public Transit: 

The nearest VIA bus route is #9 within walking distance of the subject property.



Plan Adoption Date: September 30, 2004   

Update History: June 18, 2009  

Plan Goal: Improve the quality, appearance, and variety of existing and new housing for people of all ages while preserving the character of the neighborhoods.


Comprehensive Land Use Categories

Low Density Residential: Low-density residential uses include single-family houses on individual lots with/without attached or detached accessory dwelling units, such as a granny flats, garage apartments, and “echo” (elder cottage housing opportunity) units. Only one accessory dwelling is permitted per lot and should reflect the appearance of the main structure. All off-street parking and vehicle use areas adjacent to residential uses require buffer landscaping, and lighting and signage controls. Certain non-residential activities such as schools, places of worship, and parks are appropriate within these areas and should be centrally located to provide easy access. This form of development should be oriented toward the center of the neighborhood and located away from major arterials.

Example Zoning Districts:

R-4, R-5, R-6, R-20


Comprehensive Land Use Categories

Medium Density Residential: Medium-density residential uses include the uses in the

Low-Density Residential category, as well as duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, townhomes, row houses and zero lot line configurations. All off-street parking and vehicle use areas adjacent to residential uses require buffer landscaping, and lighting and signage controls. Certain nonresidential activities such as schools, places of worship, and parks are appropriate within these areas and should be centrally located to provide easy access. This form of development should be located along residential roads or collector streets and can serve as a buffer between Low-density residential and more intense land uses such as commercial structures.

Example Zoning Districts:

R-4, R-5, R-6, RM-4 RM-5, RM-6


Land Use Overview

Subject Property

Future Land Use Classification

Low Density Residential

Current Use

Single-Family Residence


Future Land Use Classification

Low Density Residential

Current Use

Single-Family Residences



Future Land Use Classification

Low Density Residential 

Current Use

Single-Family Residences



Future Land Use Classification

Low Density Residential

Current Use

Single-Family Residences



Future Land Use Classification


Current Use






Proximity to Regional Center/Premium Transit Corridor

Not within a Regional Center or within a half mile of a Premium Transit Corridor.



Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Staff and Planning Commission (10-0) recommend Approval. 


The applicant requests this Plan Amendment and associated zoning change to utilize an existing second structure as a single-family residence on the subject property. The subject property is a corner lot surrounded by other residential properties located along a residential road that will act as a buffer to the surrounding “Low Density Residential” land uses. The proposed amendment to “Medium Density Residential” land use will not significantly alter the land use pattern or character of the immediate area as the proposed change supports the Nogalitos/South Zarzamora Community Plan that improves the quality, appearance, and variety of existing and new housing for people of all ages while preserving the character of the neighborhoods. The proposed amendment to “Medium Density Residential” is an appropriate fit that supports the accommodation of growth within this area.



1.                     Recommend denial of the proposed amendment to the Nogalitos/South Zarzamora Community Plan, as presented above.

2.                     Make an alternate recommendation.

3.                     Continue to a future date.



Current Zoning:  "R-4 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District

Proposed Zoning: "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses for Two Single-Family Residential Units

Zoning Commission Hearing Date:  August 15, 2017