DEPARTMENT: Development Services
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Roderick Sanchez
Zoning Case Z2015138
Current Zoning: "C-3 NA AHOD" General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Airport Hazard Overlay District
Requested Zoning: "C-2 AHOD" Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District
Zoning Commission Hearing Date: April 7, 2015
Case Manager: Mary Moralez-Gonzales, Planner
Property Owner: Benito Rodriguez
Applicant: Albert Lemus
Representative: Albert Lemus
Location: 206 El Paso, 801 and 805 South San Saba
Legal Description: Portion of Lots 19 & 20, Block 2, NCB 311
Total Acreage: 0.2071
Notices Mailed
Owners of Property within 200 feet: 10
Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet: Lone Star Neighborhood Association
Planning Team: None
Applicable Agencies: San Antonio Aviation Department
Property Details
Property History: The subject property is located within the City Limits as they were recognized in 1938 and was originally zoned "K" Commercial District. In a 1991 large-area rezoning case, the property was rezoned to "B-3 NA". Upon adoption of the 2001 Unified Development Code, the previous base zoning district converted to the current "C-3 NA".
Topography: The properties do not include any abnormal physical features such as significant slope or inclusion in a flood plain.
Adjacent Base Zoning and Land Uses
Direction: North and West
Current Base Zoning: D
Current Land Uses: Café College and Interstate 35
Direction: South and Southeast
Current Base Zoning: C-3 NA
Current Land Uses: Hotel, Auto Parts Store, Parking Lot
Overlay and Special District Information: All surrounding properties carry the "AHOD" Airport Hazard Overlay District, due to their proximity to an airport or approach path. The "AHOD" does not restrict permitted uses, but can require additional review of construction plans by both the Development Services Department and the Federal Aviation Administration.
Thoroughfare: El Paso Street
Existing Character: Local Access Street
Proposed Changes: None known
Thoroughfare: San Saba Street
Existing Character: Local Access Street
Proposed Changes: None known
Public Transit: VIA bus line 43 operates along South Flores Street two blocks to the east of the subject property.
Traffic Impact: A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) report is not required. The traffic generated by the proposed development does not exceed the threshold requirements.
Parking Information: Off-street vehicle parking requirements are determined by type of use and building size. The zoning application refers to a proposed food establishment.
Service - Commercial development (Food Establishment): Minimum Parking Requirement: 1 space per 100 square feet Gross Floor Area (GFA); Maximum Parking Requirement: 1 space per 40 square feet GFA.
ALTERNATIVES: A denial of the request will result in the subject property retaining the current zoning classification, restricting future land uses to those permissible in the "C-3 NA" zoning district.
Staff and Zoning Commission (9-0) recommend Approval.
Criteria for Review: According to Section 35-421, zoning amendments shall be based on the approval criteria below.
1. Consistency:
The subject property is located within the Lone Star Neighborhood Plan and is designated as High Density Mixed Use in the future land use component of the plan. The zoning request is consistent with the future land use designation.
2. Adverse Impacts on Neighboring Lands:
Staff has found no evidence of adverse impacts on neighboring lands in relation to the zoning change request.
3. Suitability as Presently Zoned:
Both the existing "C-3 NA" and the requested "C-2" are appropriate for the subject property.
4. Health, Safety and Welfare:
Staff has found no evidence of likely negative impacts on public health, safety or welfare related to the zoning request.
5. Public Policy:
The request does not appear to conflict with any public policy objective.
6. Size of Tract:
The subject property totals 0.2071 acres in size, which should reasonably accommodate the uses permitted in "C-2".
7. Other Factors: