city of San Antonio

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File #: 15-2213   
Type: Plan Amendment
In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: 4/8/2015
Posting Language: PA 15030: A request by Brown & Ortiz, PC., for approval of a resolution to amend the future land use plan contained in the San Antonio International Airport Vicinity Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of approximately 0.4962 acres of land being Lot 53 out of NCB 13635 and Lot 33 out NCB 13745, located at 1034 & 1035 Fabulous, from “Medium Density Residential” to “Community Commercial”. Staff Recommends Approval. (Oscar Aguilera, Planner (210) 207-2736,, Development Services Department)
Attachments: 1. PA15030 Adopted and Proposed LU Maps, 2. PA 15030 Aerial, 3. PA 15030 PC Resolution
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DEPARTMENT: Development Services      
Plan Amendment 15030
(Associated Zoning Case Number Z2015143)
Comprehensive Plan Component:  San Antonio International Airport Vicinity Land Use Plan
Plan Adoption Date:  May 20, 2010
Current Land Use Category:  Medium Density Residential
Proposed Land Use Category:  Neighborhood Commercial
Planning Commission Hearing Date:  April 8, 2015
Case Manager:  Oscar Aguilera, Planner
Property Owner:  Lewida, LC
Applicant:  Brown & Ortiz, PC
Representative:  Brown & Ortiz, PC
Location: Approximately 0.4962 acres of land being Lot 33, Block 3, out of NBC 13745 and Lot 53, Block 10, out of NBC 13635, located at 1035 & 1034 Fabulous Drive
Total Acreage:  0.4962
Notices Mailed
Owners of Property within 200 feet:  24
Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet:  Greater Harmony Hills
Planning Team:  None
Applicable Agencies:  Aviation
Thoroughfare:  West Avenue
Existing Character:  Secondary Arterial Type B 70-86'
Proposed Changes:  None
Thoroughfare:  Fabulous Drive
Existing Character:  Local
Proposed Changes:  None
Public Transit: There is a VIA bus stop located four block Northeast from the subject property at the intersection of West Avenue at Blanco Road.
Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive Plan Component: San Antonio International Airport Vicinity Land Use Plan
Plan Adoption Date: May 20, 2010
Update History: N/A
Goal II: Encourage economic growth that enhances airport operations and development.
Objective 2.2: Encourage commercial development that respects the integrity of existing residential development.
Comprehensive Land Use Categories
Medium Density Residential: Single-family houses on individual lots, zero-lot line configurations, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, cottage homes and townhomes. Certain lower impact community oriented uses such as churches, parks or community centers are appropriate.
Permitted Zoning Districts:  R-3, RM-4, RM-5, RM-6, & MF-18
Comprehensive Land Use Categories
Neighborhood Commercial: Low intensity commercial uses as small scale retail or offices, professional services, convenience retail, and shop front retail that serves market to a neighborhood. Should be located at intersection of collector-street and higher order streets within walking distance of neighborhood residential areas, or along arterials where an existing commercial area is already established.
Examples are flowers shops, small restaurants, lawyer's offices, coffee shops, hairstylist or barber shops, book stores, copy service, dry cleaning, or convenience stores without gasoline.
Permitted Zoning Districts:  NC, C-1, O-1
Land Use Overview
Subject Property
Future Land Use Classification:  Medium Density Residential
Current Use Classification:  Office District / Multi-family  
Direction:  North
Future Land Use Classification: Medium Density Residential
Current Use:  Single-family
Direction:  East
Future Land Use Classification: Medium Density Residential  
Current Use:  Single-Family
Direction:  South
Future Land Use Classification:  Neighborhood Commercial
Current Use: Multi-family
Direction:  West
Future Land Use Classification:  UZROW
Current Use: West Avenue
Land Use Analysis
The applicant requests this plan amendment and associated zoning change in order to develop the subject property as a Neighborhood Commercial. The subject property consists of what appears to be a Multi-Family complex building for 1034 Fabulous Drive zoned as "O-2" Office District and a Single-Family home structure for 1035 Fabulous Drive zoned as a "MF-33" Multi-Family District. The request lowers the intensity of office and related uses as well as lowers the density for the subject properties. The applicant proposes to access the properties form West Avenue and will provide the required buffers for adjacent residential lots as required Section 35-510. The proposed amendment to Neighborhood Commercial is consistent with  less intense land uses and allows the applicant to seek a Neighborhood Commercial zoning classification.  Additionally, the  subject property's location along West Avenue, a major transportation corridor along  with the close proximity to the existing residential neighborhood is appropriate to the Neighborhood Commercial zoning designation and  land use classification.
1.      Recommend denial of the proposed amendment to the San Antonio International Airport Vicinity Land Use Plan.
2.      Make an alternate recommendation.
3.      Defer the application to a future date.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. The proposed amendment to Neighborhood Commercial will provide a less intense land use and allow the applicant to seek a Neighborhood Commercial zoning classification.  The subject property location along West Avenue, a major transportation corridor, together with its close proximity to residential neighborhood makes the  Neighborhood Commercial an appropriate  land use designation.
Current Zoning:  "O-2 AHOD" Office District Airport Hazard Overlay District and "MF-33 AHOD" Multi-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District
Proposed Zoning:  "NC AHOD" Neighborhood Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District
Zoning Commission Hearing Date:  April 21, 2015