city of San Antonio

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File #: 20-7253   
Type: Zoning Case
In control: City Council A Session
On agenda: 12/17/2020
Posting Language: ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700236 (Council District 1): Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from “C-3 NCD-1 AHOD” General Commercial South Presa Street/ South St. Mary’s Street Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District, “C-3NA RIO-4 NCD-1 AHOD” General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales River Improvement Overlay South Presa Street/South St. Mary’s Street Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District, “C-3NA NCD-1 AHOD” General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales South Presa Street/South St. Mary’s Street Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District to “IDZ-2 NCD-1 AHOD” Medium Intensity Infill Development South Presa Street/ South St. Mary’s Street Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted for twenty (20) dwelling units, and “IDZ-2 RIO-4 NCD-1 AHOD” Medium Intensity Infill Development Zone River Improvement Overlay South Presa Street/ South St. Mary’s Street Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District...
Attachments: 1. Map, 2. Site Plan, 3. Zoning Minutes, 4. Draft Ordinance, 5. Ordinance 2020-12-17-0945

DEPARTMENT: Development Services                     


DEPARTMENT HEAD: Michael Shannon





Zoning Case Z2020-10700236



Current Zoning: “C-3 NCD-1 AHOD” General Commercial South Presa Street and South St. Mary’s Street Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District, “C-3NA RIO-4 NCD-1 AHOD” General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales River Improvement Overlay South Presa Street and South St. Mary’s Street Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District, “C-3NA NCD-1 AHOD” General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales South Presa Street and South St. Mary’s Street Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District


Requested Zoning: “IDZ-2 NCD-1 AHOD” Medium Intensity Infill Development South Presa Street and South St. Mary’s Street Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted for twenty (20) dwelling units, and “IDZ-2 RIO-4 NCD-1 AHOD” Medium Intensity Infill Development Zone River Improvement Overlay South Presa Street and South St. Mary’s Street Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted for twenty (20) dwelling units (All Overlays Remain the Same)



Zoning Commission Hearing Date:  November 17, 2020


Case Manager:  Victoria Castro, Planner


Property Owner: Norton Lincoln and Hartley Square, LLC


Applicant: Patrick Christensen


Representative: Patrick Christensen


Location:  1508 South Saint Mary’s Street, 120 Playmoor Street and 1423 South Presa Street


Legal Description:  Lots 19 - 25 and the west 6.29 feet of Lot 18, Block N, NCB 3078, Lot 12, Block N, NCB 3078, and Lot 1, Lot 26 and Lot 27, Block N, NCB 3078


Total Acreage:  1.0158


Notices Mailed

Owners of Property within 200 feet:  38

Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet:  Lavaca Neighborhood Association

Applicable Agencies:  Office of Historic Preservation, Office of World Heritage and Planning Department.


Property Details

Property History:  The property was part of the Original 36 square miles and zoned “J” Commercial District. The subject property was rezoned by Ordinance 74924, dated December 9, 1991, from “J” Commercial District to “B-3” Business District and “B-3 NA” Business Nonalcoholic Sales District. Under the 2001 Unified Development Code, established by Ordinance 93881, dated May, 03, 2001, the property zoned “B-3” Business District converted to the current “C-3” General Commercial District and the property zoned “B-3 NA” Business Nonalcoholic Sales District converted to the current “C-3 NA” General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales District.


Topography:  The property does not include any abnormal physical features such as slope or incursion in a flood plain


Adjacent Base Zoning and Land Uses

Direction:  North

Current Base Zoning:  “C-3” and “C-3 NA”

Current Land Uses:  Las Tapatias de Jalisco Mexican Restaurant, Vacant building AND Office Building


Direction:  East

Current Base Zoning:  “RM-4” and “C-3 NA”

Current Land Uses:  Single-Family Residence, Triplex and Storage Warehouse


Direction:  South

Current Base Zoning:  “RM-4” and “C-3 NA”

Current Land Uses:  Single-Family Residence    


Direction:  West

Current Base Zoning:  “RM-4”

Current Land Uses:  Brackenridge High School


Overlay and Special District Information: 


All surrounding properties carry the "AHOD" Airport Hazard Overlay District, due to their proximity to an airport or approach path.  The "AHOD" does not restrict permitted uses, but can require additional review of construction plans by both the Development Services Department and the Federal Aviation Administration.



All surrounding properties carry the "RIO" River Overlay District, due to their proximity to the San Antonio River.  The purpose of these districts is to establish regulations to protect, preserve and enhance the San Antonio River and its improvements by establishing design standards and guidelines.



The South Presa Street and South St. Mary’s Street Neighborhood Conservation District (NCD-1) is an overlay zoning district that contains design guidelines for rehabilitation of existing residential and commercial development. Property owners, together with the Department of Planning and Community Development staff, develop the design guidelines. These guidelines can address building materials, height, size, massing, signage, sidewalk location, etc.  A zoning review is performed by the Zoning Section of the Development Services Department.



Thoroughfare:  Playmoor Street

Existing Character:  Local

Proposed Changes:  None Known



Thoroughfare:  South Presa Street

Existing Character:  Principal

Proposed Changes:  None Known



Thoroughfare:  South Saint Mary’s Street

Existing Character:  Secondary Arterial Type B

Proposed Changes:  None Known


Public Transit:  VIA bus routes are within walking distance of the subject property Routes served: 32, 34 and 42.


Traffic Impact: A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) is required. South Saint Mary's is a Secondary Arterial Type B (70-86' ROW - 35-43' from centerline). ROW dedication may be required. Access onto South Saint Mary's will require an AEVR and access onto Playmoor will need to meet COSA RID 2020-004 (


Parking Information:  The parking requirement for “IDZ-2” is reduced by 50 percent.






Current: The current zoning district designation of “C-3” are intended to provide for more intensive commercial uses than those located within the NC, C-1 or C-2 zoning districts. C-3 uses are typically characterized as regional shopping centers, power centers, and/or assembly of similar uses into a single complex. There are no building size limitations, and building height is limited to 35 feet. Examples of permitted uses: bar/tavern & nightclub, amusement/theme parks, dance hall, indoor movie theater, auto repair, auto sales, auto glass sales (installation permitted), auto muffler (sales and installation only), hotel, bookbinder, dry cleaning or laundry plant, indoor flea market, home improvement center, body piercing/massage/tattoo parlor. No outdoor storage is permitted. Outdoor operations and display shall be permitted in areas which are screened as provided in 35-510 of the Unified Development Code.


Proposed:  The proposed zoning district designation of “IDZ-2” allows rezoning requests up to 50 units per acre and uses permitted in “C-2” and “O-1.5”. All approved uses must be requested and stated within the ordinance. Provide flexible standards for setbacks and parking for the development and reuse of underutilized parcels within a qualifying area of the city.






The property is not within a Regional Center and is not within a premium transit corridor.



Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Staff and Zoning Commission (11-0) recommend Approval.


Criteria for Review:  According to Section 35-421, zoning amendments shall be based on the approval criteria below.


1.                     Consistency:

The subject property is located within the Downtown Area Regional Center Plan and is currently designated as “Urban Mixed-Use” in the land use component of the plan.  The requested “IDZ-2” base zoning district is consistent with the adopted land use designation. 

2.  Adverse Impacts on Neighboring Lands: 

Staff has not found evidence of likely adverse impacts on neighboring lands in relation to this zoning change request.  The proposed use is consistent with the established development pattern of the surrounding area.  The request and site plan limit the density to 20 units.

3.                     Suitability as Presently Zoned: 

The existing “C-3” base zoning district is appropriate for the surrounding area. The proposed “IDZ-2” is also appropriate and achieves the plan’s goal of increasing the number of residents in the Downtown Area. The subject property is located within the Lavaca Neighborhood and the adopted Downtown Area Regional Center Plan. The site is located on Playmoor Street, a one-block long street between South St. Mary’s Street and South Presa Street. The proposed zoning change is requested to permit development of the site into 20 new homes.


4.  Health, Safety and Welfare: 

Staff has not found indication of likely adverse effects on the public health, safety, or welfare.


5.  Public Policy: 

The request does not appear to conflict with any public policy objective of the Downtown Area Regional Center Plan, which encourages the following:

GCF Goal 1: Higher-density uses are focused within the city’s 13 regional centers and along its arterial and transit corridors.


GCF Goal 4: Sustainable infill and mixed-use development provide walkable and bikeable destinations for all residents.


GCF Goal 5: Growth and city form support improved livability in existing and future neighborhoods.


GCF P8: Continue to focus on the revitalization of neighborhoods adjacent to downtown and extend these efforts to regional centers, urban centers and transit corridors.


H Goal 6: Infill development and revitalized neighborhoods provide a range of housing choices near the city center.


Relevant Downtown Area Regional Center Plan Goals, Recommendations and Strategies include:


Goal 6: Broaden the Diversity of Housing Options throughout the Downtown Core and its Neighborhoods.


H Goal 2: A variety of housing types (single-family detached, single-family attached, multifamily, as well as ownership and rental opportunities) is available at a variety of price and rent levels.


H Goal 3: Housing choices are available in walkable and bikeable neighborhoods located near transit, employment, retail, medical and recreational amenities.


Land Use Recommendation #5: Discourage incremental rezoning (both up-zoning and down-zoning) in Downtown neighborhood areas.


Housing Recommendation #2: Support housing growth in the Downtown Area by creating a diversity of housing options in mixed-use areas and accommodating additional housing in neighborhoods and transition areas through context sensitive design and small-scale infill.


Strategy 2.3: Identify opportunities and remove barriers for existing neighborhoods to accommodate additional housing by allowing for smaller lots, accessory dwelling units and middle-density housing types (e.g. duplex, townhomes) where appropriate, particularly in areas of transition between established low density residential neighborhoods and higher density neighborhoods.


6.  Size of Tract: 


The 1.0158-- acre site is of sufficient size to accommodate the proposed residential development.

7.  Other Factors: 

This zoning request includes the intention to demolish buildings. In accordance with the San Antonio City Unified Development Code, the Office of Historic Preservation reviews all demolition applications for any property located within the city limits of San Antonio. Approval of a zoning change does not imply approval of or take the place of such demolition review as directed by the UDC. There are three structures intended for demolition, and the Office of Historic Preservation has received applications for all. The application for 1508 S St Mary’s was received October 12, 2020, and the demolition review will be complete on November 12, 2020. The application for 120 Playmoor was received on October 14, 2020, and the review will be complete on November 14, 2020. The application for 1423 S Presa was received on October 9, 2020, and the review will be complete on November 9, 2020.


 “IDZ-2” holds the applicant to the submitted site plan with a density of 20 units and caps the height at 4-stories.  The proposed units are 2.5-stories maximum.


The subject property is located within the South St. Mary’s Street & Roosevelt Avenue Mixed-Use Corridor. This corridor is envisioned to continue to be a mix of dining and drinking establishments, shops and services, experiencing moderate growth in commercial business, services, and housing. Existing structures that contribute to the identity of the neighborhoods are preserved and adapted to new uses. The site is also within the South Presa Street Mixed-Use Corridor which, like South St. Mary’s Street, is primarily a traditional main street serving surrounding neighborhoods. The vision for this corridor is for moderate growth in housing primarily and to a lesser extend commercial land uses. New developments should be designed to be compatible with existing buildings.


The applicant is requesting to rezone from “C-3” to “IDZ-2”, to allow for a residential development. At a density of 50 units per acre, the total number of units that could be developed is 51, but the applicant is only seeking 20 units.