Annual Contract for Elevator and Escalator Preventive Maintenance for Convention and Sports Facilities
This ordinance authorizes acceptance of a proposal submitted by Kone, Inc. to provide elevator and escalator preventive maintenance and repair services for the Convention and Sports Facilities Department for an estimated average annual cost of $720,000.00. Funding for this contract is available through the FY 2018 Community & Visitor Facilities Fund Operating Budget.
Submitted for Council consideration and action is a proposal submitted by Kone, Inc., a State of Texas registered elevator and escalator contractor, to provide systematic and periodic preventative maintenance and repair services to the elevators and escalators currently installed at the Alamodome, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Lila Cockrell Theater, University of Mexico, Institute of Mexican Cultures and Building 277. This preventative maintenance is necessary to maintain the safety and functionality of the 36 elevators, 33 escalators and 1 wheelchair lift in accordance with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.
The scope of work to be performed by Kone, Inc. under this contract shall consist of furnishing replacement of worn parts, materials, labor, supervision, tools, and supplies necessary to provide full-service equipment maintenance including inspections, adjustments and testing for all equipment covered under this contract. The contract also includes parts and labor for event stand by services which is defined as having mechanics present in the building during an event, to provide repair services, if required.
The City issued a Request for Competitive Sealed Proposal for “Elevator and Escalator Preventative Maintenance for Convention and Sports Facilities” on February 15, 2017, with a submission deadline of April 5, 2017.
The evaluation of each proposal response was based on a total of 100 points; 45 points allotted for experience, background, qualifications; 35 points allotted for proposed plan; and 20 points allotted for respondent’s price schedule.
The evaluation committee met on June 13, 2016 to interview the three responsive respondents. After committee review and discussion, a Best and Final Offer was requested for all 3 respondents. The evaluation committee met again on July 10, 2017. After committee review and discussion, individual technical scores were submitted and presented. The scores were finalized by the selection committee, the pricing scores were revealed. Kone, Inc. received the highest ranking and was recommended for award by the evaluation committee.
The evaluation committee consisted of representatives from the Office of the City Manager and the Convention and Sports Facilities Department. The Finance Department, Purchasing Division, facilitated by ensuring compliance with City procurement policies and procedures. The proposals were evaluated based on the firm’s qualifications, background, experience, service quality, previous performance, proposed plan and price schedule. Additional categories of consideration included references and financial qualifications. Kone, Inc. received the highest ranking and was recommended for award by the evaluation committee.
The initial term of the agreement shall be October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2022. This Contract may be renewed under the same terms and conditions for 1 additional 5 year period. Renewals shall be in writing and approved by the San Antonio City Council, as evidenced by passage of an ordinance therefore.
This contract will provide the Convention and Sports Facilities with a Texas licensed elevator and escalator contractor to provide systematic and periodic service and preventative maintenance of the elevators and escalators currently installed in the Alamodome, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Lila Cockrell Theater, University of Mexico, Institute of Mexican Cultures and Building 277. This preventative maintenance is necessary to maintain the safety and functionality of the 36 elevators, 33 escalators and 1 wheelchair lift in accordance with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. This contract will provide parts and labor for preventative maintenance, repair and event stand by services.
The Small Business Economic Development Advocacy (SBEDA) Ordinance requirements were waived due to the lack of small, minority, and/or women businesses available to provide these goods and services.
This contract is an exception to the Local Preference Program.
The Veteran-Owned Small Business Preference Program does not apply to non-professional service contracts, so no preference was applied to this contract.
Should this contract not be approved, the Convention and Sports Facilities department would be required to process individual procurements as equipment problems arise. However, processing purchases as equipment malfunctions will force Convention Sports and Facilities to pay non-contract rates as well as compromise the integrity and functionality of the building’s elevator and escalator systems.
This ordinance authorizes a contract with Kone, Inc., to provide elevator and escalator preventive maintenance services for the Convention and Sports Facilities Department for an estimated average annual cost of $720,000.00. Funding for this contract is available through the FY 2018 Community & Visitor Facilities Fund Operating Budget.
Staff recommends approval of this contract with Kone, Inc. to provide elevator and escalator preventative maintenance for 36 elevators, 33 escalators and 1 wheelchair lift for the Convention and Sports Facilities at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Alamodome, Lila Cockrell Theater, University of Mexico, Institute of Mexican Cultures and Building 277 in the average annual amount of $720,000.00.
This contract is procured by means of Request for Competitive Sealed Proposal and a Contracts Disclosure Form is required.