city of San Antonio

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File #: 17-5235   
Type: Capital Improvements
In control: City Council A Session
On agenda: 9/21/2017
Posting Language: An Ordinance awarding the 2017-2018 City-wide Task Order Contract for Flatwork and Street Improvements, Package 25 to Austin Constructors, LLC; MCOR Construction Company; HESI Enterprises, LLC; BlueTex Irrigation & Construction, LLC; J&P Paving Co., Inc.; and E-Z Bel Construction, LLC in the amount not to exceed $980,000.00 for each contract with a term of one year, for a total for all six contracts in an amount not to exceed $5,880,000.00, of which $363,682.60 will be reimbursed by San Antonio Water System for necessary adjustments to its existing infrastructure.
Attachments: 1. Bid Tab Pkg 24, 2. Scoring Matrix Pkg 25, 3. Cal-Tex Form 1295, 4. Austin Form 1295 Pkg 25, 5. MCOR Form 1295 Pkg 25, 6. HESI Form 1295 Pkg 25, 7. Blu-Tex Form 1295 Pkg 25, 8. J+P Paving Form 1295 Pkg 25, 9. E-Z Bel Form 1295 Pkg 25, 10. Bid Tab Package 26, 11. Austin Constructors 1295 Form Pkg 26, 12. Bid Tab Pkg 27, 13. MCOR Form 1295 Pkg 27, 14. Draft Ordinance - A, 15. Draft Ordinance - B, 16. Draft Ordinance - C, 17. Draft Ordinance D, 18. Ordinance 2017-09-21-0680
Related files: 17-4698, 17-5234, 17-5238, 17-5236

DEPARTMENT: Transportation & Capital Improvements











2017-2018 Task Order Contracts for Flatwork and Street Improvements




Consideration of the following four contracts totaling $12,540,081.00 for the FY 2017-2018 Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) and Neighborhood Access and Mobility (NAMP) Program and federally funded projects:

A.                     An ordinance accepting the lowest responsive bid and awarding the 2017-2018 Task Order Contract for Flatwork and Street Improvements, Package 24 to Cal-Tex Interiors, Incorporated., for a term of 18 months  and  in an amount not to exceed $2,070,616.00 of which $174,000.00 will be reimbursed by San Antonio Water System (SAWS) for necessary adjustments to its existing infrastructure. 


B.                     An ordinance awarding the 2017-2018 City-wide Task Order Contract for Flatwork and Street Improvements, Package 25 to Austin Constructors, LLC; MCOR Construction Company; HESI Enterprises, LLC; BlueTex Irrigation & Construction, LLC; J&P Paving Co., Inc.; and E-Z Bel Construction, LLC in the amount not to exceed $980,000.00 for each contract with a term of one year, for a total for all six contracts in an amount not to exceed $5,880,000.00, of which $363,682.60 will be reimbursed by San Antonio Water System for necessary adjustments to its existing infrastructure.


C.                     An ordinance accepting the lowest responsive bid and awarding the 2018-2019 Task Order Contract for Flatwork and Street Improvements, Package 26 to Austin Constructors, LLC, for an amount not to exceed $3,460,045.00 primarily for the construction of various projects that have received federal funding, located throughout the City.


D.                     An ordinance accepting the lowest responsive bid and awarding the 2017-2018 Task Order Contract for Flatwork and Street Improvements, Package 27 to MCOR Construction Company for a term of 18 months  and  in an amount not to exceed $1,129,420.00, of which $52,350.00 will be reimbursed by San Antonio Water System for necessary adjustments to its existing infrastructure.  



Project Background

During the FY 2018 Budget process, City Council approved $5 million for the Sidewalk Maintenance Program, a component of the Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) and $2 million for Neighborhood Access and Mobility Program (NAMP) to complete sidewalk and pedestrian-related projects.  Transportation & Capital Improvements Department (TCI) regularly solicits Task Order Contracts for construction services and utilizes various contractors to complete the construction of street and sidewalk-related projects.     


Throughout the year, the City is awarded funds to complete various projects through the use of federal funds. On August 3, 2017, the San Antonio City Council approved Ordinance 2017-08-03-0521 adopting the FY 2018 Action Plan and Budget including the 43rd year of Community Development Block Grant funding of $12,167,381.00.  Included in this funding is $2,532,662.00 for EastPoint Neighborhood Infrastructure Improvements such as streets, sidewalks, lighting, drainage, etc.  In order to facilitate the completion of these construction projects, the Transportation & Capital Improvements Department (TCI) solicited bids for construction services and is recommending the use of Austin Constructors, LLC to complete these projects.  


This proposed ordinance authorizes four (4) packages for a contract capacity in the amount of $12,540,081.00 for the construction of the FY 2017-2018 Sidewalk Maintenance Program and the Neighborhood Access and Mobility Program projects.


These four packages for flatwork and street improvement projects includes, but is not limited to, the construction of sidewalks, curbs, wheelchair ramps, retaining walls, street improvements, and any other work required for the completion of the assigned projects located throughout the City.  SAWS participation on these packages is necessary in order to allow SAWS to complete adjustments to its existing infrastructure while a City project is under construction.  SAWS will reimburse its improvement costs to the City of San Antonio based on the bid unit prices received per this construction contract. 


Task order contracts are utilized when multiple projects are to be delivered through various programs and funding sources in a limited timeline but the specific projects (scope and limits) are not known.  A task order contract is awarded based on the capacity, or total dollar amount, anticipated to deliver a number of projects within a specified limited timeframe.  Funding for these projects may include, but is not limited to the General Fund, Advanced Transportation District (ATD), or other funding sources. 



Procurement of Services


A.                     Package 24, was advertised for construction bids in June 2017, in the San Antonio Hart Beat, on the City’s website, and in the Texas Electronic State Business Daily.  Bids were due on July 25, 2017.  Cal-Tex Interiors, Incorporated. submitted the lowest responsive bid.


This contract will be awarded in compliance with the Small Business Economic Development Advocacy (SBEDA) Program, which requires contracts be reviewed by a Goal Setting Committee to establish a requirement and/or incentive unique to the particular contract in an effort to maximize the amount of small, minority, and women-owned business participation on the contract. The Goal Setting Committee set a 20% Minority/Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) subcontracting goal. Cal-Tex Interiors, Incorporated. is a small, minority-owned business and has committed to a 20% Minority/Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) subcontracting goal, and a 1% African American Business Enterprise (AABE) subcontracting goal.


B.                     Package 25, a Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals (RFCSP) was released in July 2017, in the San Antonio Hart Beat, on the City’s website, and in the Texas Electronic State Business Daily.  Submittals were due on August 1, 2017.  Six contractors were awarded: Austin Constructors, LLC;  MCOR Construction Company;  HESI Enterprises, LLC; BlueTex Irrigation & Construction, LLC; J&P Paving Co.,  Inc.; and E-Z Bel Construction, LLC were selected.


A diverse selection committee consisting of representatives from the Transportation &                      Capital Improvements Department evaluated and ranked the submissions and scored the proposals based on the City’s standard RFCSP process.  Scoring was based on the published evaluation criteria, which included Evaluation of Experience and Qualifications of the Prime Firm, Key Subcontractors and Key Personnel, the Team’s Experience with San Antonio Region issues, past experience with City of San Antonio contracts, Price Proposal and participation in the SBE Prime Contractor Program. 


These contracts will be awarded in compliance with the Small Business Economic Development Advocacy (SBEDA) Program, which requires contracts be reviewed by a Goal Setting Committee to establish a requirement and/or incentive unique to the particular contract in an effort to maximize the amount of emerging, small, minority, and women-owned business participation on the contract. 


The Goal Setting Committee awarded 20 evaluation points for Emerging Small and Minority/Women-Owned Business Enterprise Prime Contract Program. All selected contractors except for Austin Constructors, LLC were awarded these evaluation points. Austin Constructors, LLC; MCOR Construction Company; HESI Enterprises, LLC; BlueTex Irrigation & Construction, LLC; J&P Paving Co., Inc.; and E-Z Bel Construction, LLC have agreed to meet a 20% Minority/Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) subcontracting goal, and a 1% African American Business Enterprise (AABE) subcontracting goal.



C.                     Package 26, was advertised for construction bids in June 2017, in the San Antonio Hart Beat, on the City’s website, on the Texas Electronic State Business Daily, on TVSA and through the TCI Small Business Office. Bids were due on Tuesday, August 1, 2017.  Austin Constructors, LLC was the lowest responsive bidder with a bid amount of $3,460,045.00.  This contract will be awarded in compliance with the City of San Antonio’s Housing and Urban Development’s Section 3 program which requires economic opportunities be directed to low-income persons and businesses. The Office   of Grants Monitoring and Administration will review and approve a Section 3    Utilization Plan submitted by the Respondent prior to the commencement of contract   activity, as required by HUD 108 funding requirements. Reporting of actual activity will                        be required on a monthly basis until project completion.


D.                     Package 24, was advertised for construction bids in July 2017, in the San Antonio Hart    Beat, on the City’s website, and in the Texas Electronic State Business Daily.  Bids were due on August 8, 2017 and eight (8) bidders responded. Of these, MCOR Construction Company submitted the lowest responsive bid.


This contract will be awarded in compliance with the Small Business Economic Development Advocacy (SBEDA) Program, which requires contracts be reviewed by a Goal Setting Committee to establish a requirement and/or incentive unique to the particular contract in an effort to maximize the amount of small, minority, and women-owned business participation on the contract. The Goal Setting Committee set a 20% Minority/Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) subcontracting goal. MCOR Construction Company is a small, minority-owned business and has committed to a 20% Minority/Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) subcontracting goal, and a 1% African American Business Enterprise (AABE) subcontracting goal. 


These Task Order Contracts were developed utilizing the formal competitive bid process.  Therefore, a Discretionary Contracts Disclosure Form is not required.





Consideration of the following four contracts totaling $12,540,081.00 for the FY 2017-2018 Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) and Neighborhood Access and Mobility (NAMP) Program as well as various projects that have received federal funding:

A.                     An ordinance for the FY 2017-2018 Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) awarding the 2017-2018 Task Order Contract for Flatwork and Street Improvements, Package 24 to Cal-Tex Interiors, Incorporated., for a term of 18 months  and  in an amount not to exceed $2,070,616.00 of which $174,000.00 will be reimbursed by San Antonio Water System for necessary adjustments to its existing infrastructure. 


B.                     An ordinance awarding the 2017-2018 City-wide Task Order Contract for Flatwork and Street Improvements, Package 25 to Austin Constructors, LLC; MCOR Construction Company; HESI Enterprises, LLC; BlueTex Irrigation & Construction, LLC; J&P Paving Co., Inc.; and E-Z Bel Construction, LLC in the amount not to exceed $980,000.00 for each contract with a term of one year, for a total for all six contracts in an amount not to exceed $5,880,000.00, of which $363,682.60 will be reimbursed by San Antonio Water System for necessary adjustments to its existing infrastructure.


C.                     An ordinance accepting the lowest responsive bid and awarding the 2018-2019 Task Order Contract for Flatwork and Street Improvements-Package 26 to Austin Constructors, LLC, for an amount not to exceed $3,460,045.00 primarily for the construction of various projects that have received federal funding, located throughout the City.


D.                     An ordinance for the FY 2017-2018 Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) awarding the 2017-2018 Task Order Contract for Flatwork and Street Improvements, Package 27 to MCOR Construction Company for a term of 18 months  and  in an amount not to exceed $1,129,420.00, of which $52,350.00 will be reimbursed by San Antonio Water System for necessary adjustments to its existing infrastructure.  


These four Task Order Contracts for flatwork and street improvement projects includes, but is not limited to, the construction of sidewalks, curbs, wheelchair ramps, retaining walls, street improvements, and any other work required for the completion of the assigned projects located throughout the City in relation to the FY 2017-2018 Infrastructure Management Program (IMP), Neighborhood Access and Mobility (NAMP) Program and federally funded projects.




As an alternative, City Council could require the projects to be to individually bid out for construction.  However, construction bid prices could be higher than those estimated with the Task Order Contracts and bidding the Projects individually would prolong the delivery of these projects. Additionally, TCI does not have the in-house staff to complete these projects in a timely manner.




A.                     Requirements for each task shall be detailed in the individual work orders assigned.  If funding for any work activities is not previously appropriated, funding will be identified and appropriated through subsequent City Council action.   


Funding for these projects may include, but is not limited to, Neighborhood Access and Mobility Program (NAMP), Advanced Transportation District (ATD), Street Maintenance Program (SMP), various federally funded projects, or other funding sources. The City makes no guarantees on the volume of work distributed.


B.                     Requirements for each task shall be detailed in the individual work orders assigned.  If funding for any work activities is not previously appropriated, funding will be identified and appropriated through subsequent City Council action.   


Funding for these projects may include, but is not limited to, Neighborhood Access and Mobility Program (NAMP), Advanced Transportation District (ATD), Street Maintenance Program (SMP),various federally funded projects, or other funding sources. The City makes no guarantees on the volume of work distributed.


C.                     Requirements for each task shall be detailed in the individual work orders assigned.  If funding for any work activities is not previously appropriated, funding will be identified and appropriated through subsequent City Council action.   


This task order contract will be funded from federally funded projects. The City makes no guarantees on the volume of work distributed.


D.                     Requirements for each task shall be detailed in the individual work orders assigned.  If funding for any work activities is not previously appropriated, funding will be identified and appropriated through subsequent City Council action.   


Funding for these projects may include, but is not limited to, Neighborhood Access and Mobility Program (NAMP), Advanced Transportation District (ATD), Street Maintenance Program (SMP), various federally funded projects, or other funding sources. The City makes no guarantees on the volume of work distributed.




Staff recommends approval of these ordinances, awarding the following task order contracts necessary to complete sidewalk-related projects identified in the FY 2017- 2018 IMP and NAMP Programs as well as various projects that have received federal funding:


A.                     An ordinance for the FY 2017-2018 Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) awarding the 2017-2018 Task Order Contract for Flatwork and Street Improvements, Package 24 to Cal-Tex Interiors, Incorporated., for a term of 18 months  and  in an amount not to exceed $2,070,616.00 of which $174,000.00 will be reimbursed by San Antonio Water System for necessary adjustments to its existing infrastructure. 


B.                     An ordinance awarding the 2017-2018 City-wide Task Order Contract for Flatwork and Street Improvements, Package 25 to Austin Constructors, LLC; MCOR Construction Company; HESI Enterprises, LLC; BlueTex Irrigation & Construction, LLC; J&P Paving Co., Inc.; and E-Z Bel Construction, LLC in the amount not to exceed $980,000.00 for each contract with a term of one year, for a total for all six contracts in an amount not to exceed $5,880,000.00, of which $363,682.60 will be reimbursed by San Antonio Water System for necessary adjustments to its existing infrastructure.


C.                     An ordinance accepting the lowest responsive bid and awarding the 2018-2019 Task Order Contract for Flatwork and Street Improvements-Package 26 to Austin Constructors, LLC, for an amount not to exceed $3,460,045.00 primarily for the construction of various projects that have received federal funding, located throughout the City.


D.                     An ordinance for the FY 2017-2018 Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) awarding the 2017-2018 Task Order Contract for Flatwork and Street Improvements, Package 27 to MCOR Construction Company for a term of 18 months  and  in an amount not to exceed $1,129,420.00, of which $52,350.00 will be reimbursed by San Antonio Water System for necessary adjustments to its existing infrastructure.