city of San Antonio

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File #: 15-2434   
Type: Staff Briefing - Without Ordinance
In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: 4/8/2015
Posting Language: POSTPONED PA 15018: A request by Kaufman & Killen, Inc., for approval of a resolution to amend the future land use plan contained in the Midtown Neighborhoods Neighborhood Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of approximately 1.987 acres of land being Lot 11, Block 2 in NCB 1968, located at 925 and 935 Fredericksburg Road from “Mixed Use, Medium Density Residential and Low Density Residential” to “Mixed Use” and to include “C-3” General Commercial District as a related zoning district for the “Mixed Use” land use classification. Staff recommends approval. (Robert C. Acosta, Planner (210) 207-0157,, Development Services Department)
Attachments: 1. Adopted and Proposed LU Maps- PA 15018, 2. Aerial-PA 15018, 3. PC Resolution - PA 15018
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DEPARTMENT: Development Services      
Plan Amendment 15018
(Associated Zoning Case Number Z2015120)
Comprehensive Plan Component: Midtown Neighborhoods Plan    
Plan Adoption Date: October 12, 2000      
Current Land Use Category: Mixed Use, Medium Density Residential and Low Density Residential        
Proposed Land Use Category and Related Action: Mixed Use and a text amendment to include "C-3" General Commercial District as a related zoning district for the "Mixed Use" land use classification.
Planning Commission Hearing Date:  March 11, 2015   
Case Manager:  Robert C. Acosta, Planner
Property Owner: Fredericksburg Point Partners, LLC      
Applicant: Kaufman & Killen, Inc.       
Representative: Kaufman & Killen, Inc.              
Location: Approximately 1.987 acres of land being Lot 11, Block 2 in NCB 1968, located at 925 and 935 Fredericksburg Road
Total Acreage: 1.987 acres
Notices Mailed
Owners of Property within 200 feet:  25
Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet:  Beacon Hill Neighborhood Association    
Planning Team: 11
Applicable Agencies:  None
Thoroughfare: Fredericksburg Road  
Existing Character:  Secondary Arterial Type B   
Proposed Changes:  None
Thoroughfare:  Woodlawn Avenue   
Existing Character: Secondary Arterial Type B   
 Proposed Changes: None
Thoroughfare: Craig Place
Existing Character: Local Street   
Proposed Changes:  None
Thoroughfare: IH-10 West  
Existing Character: Freeway    
Proposed Changes:  None
Public Transit:  
There is a VIA bus stop in front of the subject property at the intersection of Fredericksburg Road and Woodlawn Avenue.  
Plan Adoption Date: October 12, 2000     
Update History: None
Objective 1.3.5 Encourage businesses to locate in identified neighborhood commercial centers along Blanco, Fredericksburg, Hildebrand, Flores, and San Pedro. In addition to business development, encourage higher-density residential or live/work units to provide for a mix of uses in or near the area's commercial centers.
Comprehensive Land Use Categories
Mixed Use: Mixed Use provides for a concentrated blend of residential, retail, professional service, office, entertainment, leisure and other related uses at increased densities to create a pedestrian-oriented environment. Mixed Use incorporates high quality architecture and urban design features such as attractive streetscapes, parks/plazas, and outdoor cafes. A majority of the ground floor façade should be composed of windows. Parking areas should be located behind buildings. This classification allows for a mix of uses in the same building or in the same development such as small offices (dentists, insurance professionals, non-profits, etc.), small retail establishments (cafes, shoe repair shops, gift shops, antique stores, hair salons, drug stores, etc.) and high-density residential uses.
Example Zoning Districts:
RM-4, RM-5, RM-6, NC, C-1, C-2, O-1, MF-25, MXD
Comprehensive Land Use Categories
Medium Density Residential: Medium-Density Residential uses include three-and four-unit family dwellings and townhouses. Low-Density Residential uses also can be found within this classification.
Example Zoning Districts:
R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6, RM-4, RM-5, RM-6
Comprehensive Land Use Categories
Low Density Residential: Low-Density Residential uses include single-family houses on individual lots. Low-Density Residential uses also can include a limited number of duplexes and granny flats or garage apartments.
Example Zoning Districts:
R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6, R-20, NP-8, NP-10, NP-15
Land Use Overview
Subject Property
Future Land Use Classification
Mixed Use, Medium Density Residential, and Low Density Residential
Current Use
Vacant Lot  
Future Land Use Classification
UZROW, Mixed Use, Medium Density Residential
Current Use
IH-10 West, Woodlawn Avenue, Commercial Uses and Multi-Family Uses  
Future Land Use Classification
Mixed Use, Medium Density Residential and Low Density Residential  
Current Use
Commercial Uses, Multi-Family and   Single-Family Uses
Future Land Use Classification
Low Density Residential and Mixed Use  
Current Use
Single -Family and Commercial Uses   
Future Land Use Classification
Current Us
IH-10 West  
The applicant requests this plan amendment and associated zoning change in order to construct a commercial development on the subject property. The subject property is currently zoned "I-1" and commercial uses are not permitted by right under this zoning district.  The proposed amendment to Mixed Use will provide consistency with the surrounding areas and promote a consistent character and continuity to the Fredericksburg Road corridor that could potentially increase commercial opportunities in the planning area. The Mixed Use land use classification will not significantly alter the land use pattern or character of the immediate area as the proposed change is compatible with the already-existing surrounding pattern of development. In addition, the subject property's location at the intersection of two major arterials and its close proximity to IH-10 West and the general surrounding conditions which include a mix of community scale commercial uses and adjacent to railroad tracks make it appropriate for the "C-3" zoning.  The proposed amendment meets the objectives of the Midtown Neighborhoods Plan of promoting economic growth in its commercial centers and along it commercial arterials.  
Additionally, the request is to amend the Mixed Use land use category to include "C-3" as a consistent zoning district.  Currently, the plan does not allow "C-3" as another option in the commercial land use categories, such as Neighborhood Commercial or Mixed Use.  The only option where "C-3" is a consistent zoning district is within a Transit Oriented Development Node, which are only found in 2 areas of the plan boundaries.  Mixed Use does include "MXD" Mixed Use District as a consistent zoning district.  This district allows for "C-3" uses, however, a site plan must show a mix of residential and nonresidential uses within the same building or same lot.  If the property was developed as "MXD", "C-3" uses would be allowed directly adjacent to residential uses.  Staff recommends the amendment to the Mixed Use land use category to include "C-3" as a consistent zoning district.
1.      Recommend denial of the proposed amendments to the Midtown Neighborhoods Plan, as presented above.
2.      Make an alternate recommendation.
3.      Continue to a future date.
Staff recommends approval. The proposed amendment to Mixed Use land use will not significantly alter the land use pattern or character of the immediate area as the proposed change is compatible with the already-existing surrounding pattern of development. In addition, the subject property's location at the intersection of two major arterials and its close proximity to IH-10 West and the general surrounding conditions which include a mix of community scale commercial and intermediately intense residential developments make it appropriate for the "C-3" zoning.  The proposed text amendment allows "C-3" as a consistent zoning district within the Mixed Use land use category, where currently, the Plan does not allow "C-3" unless developed within the Transit Oriented Development Node.
Current Zoning:  "I-1 NCD-5 AHOD" General Industrial Beacon Hill Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District
Proposed Zoning:  "C-3 NCD-5 AHOD" General Commercial Beacon Hill Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District