DEPARTMENT: Development Services
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Michael Shannon
Plan Amendment PA-2020-11600082
(Associated Zoning Case Z-2020-10700291)
Comprehensive Plan Component: Eastern Triangle Community Plan
Plan Adoption Date: May 21, 2009
Current Land Use Category: “Urban Living”, “Parks and Open Space”, and “Neighborhood Commercial”
Proposed Land Use Category: “Low Density Residential”
Planning Commission Hearing Date: February 10, 2021
Case Manager: Michael Pepe, Planner
Property Owner: Boralis USA Inc
Applicant: TDB Land Holding Ltd
Representative: Brown and Ortiz, PC
Location: 2714 South WW White
Legal Description: 89.251 acres out of NCB 10780
Total Acreage: 89.251
Notices Mailed
Owners of Property within 200 feet: 46
Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet: Lower Southeast Side Neighborhood Association
Applicable Agencies: Texas Department of Transportation, Planning Department
Property Details
Thoroughfare: S WW White
Existing Character: Primary Arterial
Proposed Changes: None
Public Transit: VIA bus routes are within walking distance of the subject property
Routes Served: 28
Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive Plan Component: Eastern Triangle Community Plan
Plan Adoption Date: May 21, 2009
Overall Goal: A well maintained community with a diverse housing stock that meets the needs of current and future residents through all stages of life
Goal 12: Quality housing
Goal 13: Well-maintained neighborhoods and housing stock
Goal 16: Housing with access to transit and public amenities
Comprehensive Land Use Categories
Land Use Category: “Urban Living”
Description of Land Use Category:
Urban Living provides for compact neighborhoods and centralized commercial centers that promote a sense of community that are pedestrian and transit friendly. Centralized commercial centers in this category include the Mixed Use Center, the Town Center, and Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). Gated communities are not allowed in this land use category. Adjacent to these mixed-use commercial areas are less dense Neighborhood Centers, which have a nucleus, or a focal point. Urban Living also allows for form-based development, which emphasizes urban design in the form of regional centers and village development patterns. Mixed Use Centers include a concentrated blend of residential, retail, service, office, entertainment, leisure, and other related uses at increased densities, where people can enjoy a wide range of fulfilling experiences in one place. Mixed Use Centers are typically located at the intersection of a collector and arterial street or two arterial streets. A Town Center provides a central civic function with mixed uses incorporated into the peripheral development. Neighborhood Centers have an identifiable nucleus or focal point and edges. Shopping, recreation and services are accessible by foot or transit. Neighborhood Centers have a mix of residential uses and an interconnected street network with bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Civic buildings and civic spaces are given prominent sites, and schools and parks are located within walking distance. The edge of the neighborhood is bound by a parkway or boulevard.
Permitted Zoning Districts: TND, TOD, MXD, UD, & FBZD
Land Use Category: “Neighborhood Commercial”
Description of Land Use Category:
Neighborhood Commercial includes less intense commercial uses with low-impact convenience, retail, or service functions. Examples of uses include convenience stores, small insurance or doctor’s offices, bakeries, small restaurants, bookstores, antique shops, copy services, veterinarian’s offices, or small, neighborhood sized grocery stores. Locations for Neighborhood Commercial include arterials and collectors where they meet arterials, other collectors, or residential streets. Neighborhood Commercial can serve as an appropriate buffer between low, medium, and high-density residential uses, or between an arterial and low density residential.
Permitted Zoning Districts: NC, O-1, & C-1
Land Use Category: “Low Density Residential”
Description of Land Use Category:
Low Density Residential Development includes Single Family Residential Development on individual lots. This form of development should be located away from major arterials, and can include certain non-residential uses such as schools, places of worship, and parks that are centrally located for convenient neighborhood access.
Permitted Zoning Districts: RP, RE, FR, RD, R-20, NP-15, NP-10, NP-8, R-6, R-5, R-4, & PUD
Land Use Overview
Subject Property
Future Land Use Classification:
Urban Living, Neighborhood Commercial, Parks and Open Space
Current Land Use Classification:
Direction: North
Future Land Use Classification:
Community Commercial
Current Land Use Classification:
Vacant, Light Industrial Uses
Direction: East
Future Land Use Classification:
Current Land Use Classification:
Direction: South
Future Land Use Classification:
Low Density Residential
Current Land Use Classification:
Single-Family Use
Direction: West
Future Land Use Classification:
Low Density Mixed Use
Current Land Use Classification:
Vacant, Small Retail
Proximity to Regional Center/Premium Transit Corridor
The property is not within a Regional Center, however it is within a premium transit corridor.
Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Staff and Planning Commission (11-0) recommend Approval.
The applicant seeks a Plan Amendment to “Low Density Residential” to develop an “R-4” Residential Single-Family subdivision. The requested plan amendment would create consistency in future land use across the property and allow a rezoning to “R-4”, which would allow for additional housing and more clustered development, at a site with good vehicular access to major roadways. Further, it meets the goals of the Eastern Triangle Community Plan to further invest in this area.
1. Recommend Denial of the proposed amendment to the Eastern Triangle Community Plan, as presented above.
2. Make an alternate recommendation.
3. Continue to a future date.
Current Zoning: R-5 MLOD-3 MLR-2" Residential Single-Family Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 District
Requested Zoning: "R-4 MLOD-3 MLR-2" Residential Single-Family Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 District
Zoning Commission Hearing Date: February 2, 2021. The Zoning Commission recommended Approval.