city of San Antonio

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File #: 17-3279   
Type: Plan Amendment
In control: City Council A Session
On agenda: 9/21/2017
Posting Language: PLAN AMENDMENT CASE # 17051 (Council District 1): An Ordinance amending the North Central Neighborhoods Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use from “Low Density Residential” to “Medium Density Residential” on Lots 17 and 18, Block 3, NCB 7303, located at 200 and 204 Melrose Place. Staff and Planning Commission recommend Denial. (Associated Zoning Case Z2017156)
Attachments: 1. Proposed Map, 2. Draft Ordinance, 3. Ordinance 2017-09-21-0727
Related files: 17-4897
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DEPARTMENT: Development Services


DEPARTMENT HEAD: Michael Shannon                     





Plan Amendment 17051

(Associated Zoning Case Z2017156)



Comprehensive Plan Component: North Central Neighborhoods Community Plan  


Plan Adoption Date:  February 14, 2002   


Current Land Use Category:  “Low Density Residential”                      


Proposed Land Use Category:  “Medium Density Residential”   



Planning Commission Hearing Date: May 10, 2017


Case Manager:  Daniel Hazlett, Planner


Property Owner: Melrose Place SA, LLC    


Applicant:  Melrose Place SA, LLC


Representative: Charles H. Turner


Location: 200 and 204 Melrose Place


Legal Description: Lot 17 & 18, Block 3, NCB 7303, located west of the intersection of McCullough Avenue and Melrose Place


Total Acreage: 0.32


Notices Mailed

Owners of Property within 200 feet:  30

Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet:  None

Applicable Agencies:  None



Thoroughfare:  Melrose Place

Existing Character:  Local Street

Proposed Changes:  None Known


Thoroughfare:  N Main Avenue

Existing Character: Local Street  

Proposed Changes: None Known


Public Transit: 

Via route 5 and 204 are within walking distance of the subject property.



Plan Adoption Date: February 14, 2002   

Update History: None

GOAL 3: Maintain and preserve the quality of the existing residential and commercial properties through the encouragement of rehabilitation and code compliance.


Comprehensive Land Use Categories

Low Density Residential: Low Density Residential supports the principles of concentrating urban growth, reinforcing existing neighborhoods, and supporting residential growth within walking distance of neighborhood commercial centers and schools. This development should be oriented toward the center of the neighborhoods and away from traffic arterials. Low Density Residential areas are composed mainly of single family dwellings on individual lots. This classification describes established residential neighborhoods of low to medium density, and supports compatible in-fill development. Duplexes and accessory dwellings (carriage houses, granny flats, etc.) are allowed on lots of 8,000 square feet or greater. All off-street parking and vehicle use areas adjacent to residential uses require buffer landscaping, and lighting and signage controls. Certain non-residential activities, such as schools, places of worship and parks, are appropriate within these areas and should be centrally located to provide easy accessibility

Example Zoning Districts:

R-4, R-5, R-6, R-20


Comprehensive Land Use Categories

Medium Density Residential: Medium Density Residential includes small lot single family development, accessory dwellings, duplexes, cottage houses, triplexes, fourplexes, and townhomes. Exhibiting a medium density, this category provides for a diversity of residential development while still maintaining an overall urban residential character. Typically, Low Density Residential uses are found within this classification, and should be located in the center of the neighborhood, with Medium Density Residential being located at the edges of the neighborhood.

Example Zoning Districts:

R-4, RM-4, RM-6, IDZ


Land Use Overview

Subject Property

Future Land Use Classification

Low Density Residential

Current Use

Multi-family and a vacant lot



Future Land Use Classification

Low Density Residential

Current Use

Single-Family Residences



Future Land Use Classification

High Density Residential

Current Use

Single-Family Residences



Future Land Use Classification

High Density Residential

Current Use

Apartment Complex



Future Land Use Classification

Low Density Residential

Current Use

Single-Family Residences





Proximity to Regional Center/Premium Transit Corridor

The subject property is within a half of a mile of San Pedro Avenue, a Premium Transit Corridor. The subject property is not within a Regional Center.



Staff Analysis and Recommendation:  Staff and Planning Commission (5-2) recommend Denial.


The subject property is located in an area where “Low Density Residential” uses are congruent with the existing characteristic of the neighborhood. The request does not support Goal 5 of the North Central Neighborhood Community Plan of promoting future development that is compatible with existing neighborhoods.


The applicant requests this plan amendment and associated zoning change in order to allow for four-dwelling units on two lots totaling eight units. The subject property is on a street that includes primarily “Low Density Residential” uses. “Medium Density Residential” land use classification has the potential to alter the density of the neighborhood. The High Density Residential land use located to the east and south of the subject property is on the periphery. Staff is unable to classify this request as an extension of that land use designation. The “Medium Density Residential” classification would increase density on Melrose Place which is primarily Single-Family Residences and Duplexes.



1.                     Recommend approval of the proposed amendment to the North Central Neighborhood Community Plan, as presented above.

2.                     Make an alternate recommendation.

3.                     Continue to a future date.



Current Zoning:  "MF-33 AHOD" Multi-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District

Proposed Zoning:  "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted in "RM-4" Residential Mixed District