city of San Antonio

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File #: 19-1651   
Type: Grant Applications and Awards
In control: City Council A Session
On agenda: 2/14/2019
Posting Language: Ordinance approving the submission of two grant renewal applications, one to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and one to the Department of Homeland Security related to the Public Center for Environmental Health’s local air monitoring efforts; authorizing the acceptance of funds in a total amount up to $537,468.00 from TCEQ and DHS for a period beginning September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2020; and authorizing a personnel complement. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Colleen M. Bridger, MPH, PhD, Director of Health]
Attachments: 1. Air Quality Grants FY20 v5, 2. Draft Ordinance, 3. Ordinance 2019-02-14-0119
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DEPARTMENT: Health                     



DEPARTMENT HEAD: Colleen M. Bridger MPH, PhD








Authorizing grant applications to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for FY 2020 and authorizing a personnel complement.




This ordinance authorizes the submission of a grant application renewal and the acceptance of funds upon award in an amount of up to $210,139.00 from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) through direct funding grants and contracts for public health functions of the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District (Metro Health) for a period beginning September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2020.


This ordinance also authorizes the submission of an application to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and authorizes the acceptance of funds upon award in an amount of up to $327,329.00 for participation in the Whole Air Program to support field operations and sample collection activities for a term beginning September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2020.


In addition, this ordinance authorizes the finalization of programmatic funding for the maintenance and delivery of essential public health services within Metro Health. This action also authorizes a proposed program budget and personnel complement.


Furthermore, this ordinance authorizes the Director of Metro Health to initiate, negotiate, and execute any and all necessary documents and grant contracts to effectuate the application and acceptance of the referenced grants, and to execute contract amendments pertaining to these contracts, to include: a) carry-over funds, when ascertained and approved by the funding agency through a revised notice of award; b) line item budget revisions authorized by the funding agency; c) modifications to the performance measures authorized by the funding agency and listed in the contracts so long as the terms of the amendment stay within the general parameters of the intent of the grant; d) no cost extensions; e) amendments which will provide supplemental grant funds to a grant by the funding agency in an amount up to 20% of the total amount initially awarded to the grant; f) reimbursement increases of administrative funds for each participant served; g) amendments funding one time equipment purchases or defined program services; and h) changes in state regulations mandated by the funding agency.






Metro Health actively addresses the public health functions of policy development, health assessment, and health assurance. To carry out these responsibilities, Metro Health operates evidenced based programs in various settings throughout the County.



Metro Health’s Public Center for Environmental Health (PCEH) was established to protect the environment for residents in San Antonio. Since air quality has a potential health impact, air monitoring and follow up measures to address the problems identified are important public health efforts.


The TCEQ has contracted with the PCEH to manage local air monitoring efforts. Through these efforts, PCEH operates, maintains and validates data from air particulate matter monitors; and operates a continuous air monitoring station that measures ozone, nitrous oxides and sulfur dioxide as well as associated meteorological parameters.


Metro Health receives approximately 69% of its total budget support through contract and grant awards in both direct funding and federal pass-through funding. Since 2007, this support has been authorized by City Council through a block submission of grant applications and renewals most recently on February 15, 2018 (Ordinance No. 2018-02-15-0107) as well as individual actions.  Metro Health will request approximately $537,468.00 in funding from TCEQ and DHS through this ordinance.


Service delivery and personnel complement needs are anticipated to remain consistent with adopted FY 2019 resources for the following Federal pass-through grant: TCEQ Air Monitoring.


For over eleven years, Metro Health has been participating in the Whole Air Program through a contract with the TCEQ. Since FY 2016, DHS has invited Metro Health to submit an application for direct federal funding through its Whole Air Program which has been awarded each year.


A list of the grantors, grant amounts and CFDA numbers is attached as Table 1.






Historically, the State of Texas and the Department of Homeland Security have provided funding to the City of San Antonio for service delivery in health and disease prevention related to air quality monitoring. Currently, this includes a program grant through the TCEQ and a program grant through the DHS. 

State and federal funding opportunities are often presented in a time-sensitive manner, requiring the ability to initiate and execute grant submissions, amendments and subsequent awards within prescribed time constraints.  Approval of this ordinance allows for a proactive and efficient process for the timely submission and execution of state/federal funding requests.  This comprehensive approach maximizes Metro Health, City administration, and City Council resources; expedites the annual support process; coordinates Metro Health annual funding processes; and provides City Council with a concise illustration of grant support and Metro Health programs.   

Acceptance of funds from the State of Texas and Federal partners continues the long-standing practice of utilizing grant funds to support some of the local public health programs of the City.






Approval of this ordinance will facilitate the efficient application for and acceptance of ongoing grants from state and federal partners and leads to seamless continuity of Metro Health services. 


Alternatively, each of the two grants could be submitted separately.  This would require individual Council consideration, action, time and processing causing potential delays in funding, resources and service delivery.  Alleviating inefficient processing delays allows personnel and City resources to be utilized proactively, effectively and efficiently to advance the public health efforts of the Department.






This ordinance authorizes the submission of two annual grant renewal applications, one with the TCEQ in an amount not to exceed $210,139.00 and one with the DHS in an amount not to exceed $327,329.00 in funding and authorizes acceptance of any prior year carry-forward support, as allowed by the funding agency.


These two grant awards will continue to support four grant funded positions; these four positions will allocate time to both grants. There will be no impact to the General Fund in the form of a cash match.






Staff recommends approval of an ordinance authorizing the submission of two annual grant renewal applications to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Department of Homeland Security respectively, acceptance of funds upon award, and execution of grant contracts and amendments.