DEPARTMENT: Center City Development & Operations Department
Residential Permit Parking Zone on North Flores
This ordinance authorizes the designation of a Residential Permit Parking Zone along portions of North Flores in Council District 1.
Residential Permit Parking (RPP) programs exist in several major cities throughout the United States and Texas to help protect residential areas from the influx of commuter parking. These programs establish parking zones to discourage non-residents from using on-street parking in neighborhoods nearby commercial areas. The RPP allows for permit parking only between the hours of 7 am to 7 pm on weekdays. During the hours the RPP is not in effect, the on-street parking reverts to public parking.
The City of San Antonio created its first pilot Residential Permit Parking program in April 2014 along portions of Arsenal and City Streets to mitigate potential parking problems in an area of planned improvements. The pilot program was successful in maintaining on-street parking for residents. A total of 94 permits were issued and 77 citations were issued to violators within the first year of implementation. After the one year review period, and based on positive feedback from residents in the area, the program and zone were permanently instated.
This ordinance proposes an RPP zone along the 1700 and 1800 blocks of N. Flores.
The program for the zone will run from 7 am to 7 pm on weekdays. Residents from the proposed zone submitted an RPP application to the Center City Development and Operations Department. The application met the requirements of 1) at least 60% of the residents on the street supported the RPP zone through a petition and 2) a parking survey confirmed the existence of a commuter parking problem.
A public meeting for the establishment of an RPP for N. Flores was ...
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