DEPARTMENT: Human Services
Authorization of an Interlocal Agreement with the University of North Texas Department of Public Administration
This ordinance authorizes approval of an Interlocal Agreement with the University of North Texas, Department of Public Administration for the purpose of conducting a comprehensive Senior Services Strategic Plan for the City of San Antonio Department of Human Services. The agreement will commence upon execution for an amount not to exceed $114,196.00. Funds were previously authorized in the FY 2018 Senior Nutrition Program Grant Budget.
The City's Senior Services Program annually provides services to more than 33,000 seniors 60 years and above. Services include a midday meal in a congregate setting, as well as health and wellness activities, exercise, arts, computer instructions, nutritional education, case management and social activities. The program serves approximately 2,700 meals daily, Monday through Friday, at the City's Senior Centers and Nutrition Sites located throughout the community.
The City operates 10 comprehensive senior centers, 8 senior nutrition sites and partners with community agencies to provide senior nutrition programs at 35 nutrition sites. These partnerships provide optimal access to senior nutrition services by utilizing vendor and volunteer contracts.
At the request of City Council, a comprehensive strategic planning process for the Senior Services program was last completed by KGBTexas on September 16, 2011 which outlined multi-year recommendations. These recommendations were presented to City Council at a B Session on October 5, 2011, with final implementation of plan recommendations by Fiscal Year 2018.
In March 2014, the City of San Antonio committed to the World Health Organization's Age Friendly Cities Initiative, a commitment which was reaffirmed by Mayor Nirenbe...
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