DEPARTMENT HEAD: Colleen M. Bridger, MPH, PhD
An ordinance authorizing the submission of a grant application to Gilead, and acceptance of funds, if awarded, for the Frontlines of Communities in the United States (FOCUS) in an amount not to exceed $189,716.29 to be submitted September 30, 2017.
This ordinance authorizes the submission of a grant application to the Gilead's Frontlines of Communities in the United States (FOCUS) grant program with a proposed award in the amount of $189,716.29 for a 12 month period beginning January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018.
The above referenced request for funding includes a background; proposal narrative and reach; project framework, goals, sustainability and timeline; and a proposal budget.
Furthermore, this ordinance authorizes the Director of Metro Health to initiate, negotiate, and execute any and all necessary documents and a grant contract to effectuate the acceptance of the referenced grant, and to execute contract amendments pertaining to this contract, to include a) carry-over funds, when ascertained and approved by the funding agency through a revised notice of award; b) line item budget revisions authorized by the funding agency; c) modifications to the performance measures authorized by the funding agency and listed in the contract so long as the terms of the amendment stay within the general parameters of the intent of the grant; d) no cost extensions; e) amendments which will provide supplemental grant funds to the grant by the funding agency in an amount up to 20% of the total amount awarded to the grant; f) reimbursement increases of administrative funds for each participant served; g) amendments funding one time equipment purchases or defined program services; and h) changes in regulations mandated by the funding agency.
In 2010 an estimated one in five HIV-positive Ame...
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