DEPARTMENT: Convention & Sports Facilities
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Patricia Muzquiz Cantor
Authorization of an Amendment to the Audio Visual Technical Assistance Agreement
This Ordinance authorizes an Amendment to the Audio Visual Technical Assistance Agreement with PMI Staffing Services, LLC at the Alamodome to increase the contract by $100,000.00 annually for a total annual amount not to exceed $250,000.00. There is no fiscal impact to the City. Funding for this contract is provided by each event client through a service chargeback.
Ordinance 2017-12-14-1012, dated December 14, 2017 authorized a professional services agreement with PMI Staffing Services, LLC to provide skilled staffing for the audio visual needs of the Alamodome, on an as-needed basis, for a three-year period with one additional two-year extension, and an estimated amount of $150,000.00 annually.
PMI Staffing Services, LLC provides qualified technical staffing who augment the Alamodome full-time staff responsible for managing the audio visual needs for events such as Monster Jam, Disney on Ice, and sporting events such as University of San Antonio (UTSA) football games. The audio visual services provide a fun, modern, and engaging experience to Alamodome guests. The highly technical nature of the internal audio visual system requires highly skilled workers to operate and protect the City's audio and video equipment.
The amount of event days at the Alamodome has increased since the inception of the contract, therefore, making it necessary to increase the contract capacity to handle the highly technical demand of hosting events.
It is necessary to increase the capacity for audio visual technical services in order to keep up with the demand of events at the Alamodome. Operation of the audio visual equipment requires highly skilled workers to execute and monitor many different audio visual functions ...
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