DEPARTMENT: Development Services
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Michael Shannon
Plan Amendment PA-2021-11600004
(Associated Zoning Case Z-2021-10700021)
Comprehensive Plan Component: Arena District / Eastside Community Plan
Plan Adoption Date: September 10, 2003
Current Land Use Category: "Parks Open Space" and "Mixed Use"
Proposed Land Use Category: "Mixed Use"
Planning Commission Hearing Date: February 24, 2021
Case Manager: Justin Malone, Planner
Property Owner: Gurinda Akhtar
Applicant: Amir Namakforoosh
Representative: Amir Namakforoosh
Location: 3623 East Commerce Street
Legal Description: 12.088 acres out of NCB 10578
Total Acreage: 12.088
Notices Mailed
Owners of Property within 200 feet: 11
Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet: Jefferson Heights
Applicable Agencies: Planning Department, Martindale Army Airfield, Fort Sam Houston Military Base
Property Details
Thoroughfare: E Commerce
Existing Character: Primary Arterial
Proposed Changes: None
Public Transit: VIA bus routes are within walking distance of the subject property
Routes Served: 25, 225
Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive Plan Component: Arena District / Eastside Community Plan
Plan Adoption Date: September 10, 2003
Land Use Guiding Principles:
2.2 Protect the neighborhoods by providing them with the necessary improvements
to enable infill development and redevelopment
2.3 Create attractive streets
2.5 Respect existing natural systems and maximize their benefit to the plan
Comprehensive Land Use Categories
Land Use Category: "Mixed Use"
Description of Land Use Category:
Mixed Use provides for a concentrated blend of residential, retail, service, office, entertainment, leisure, and other related uses at increased densities to create a pedestrian-oriented environment where people can enjoy a wide range of fulfilling experiences in one place. Nodal development i...
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