SUBJECT: SAWS Financial Assistance from Texas Water Development Board
The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) requests City Council approve:
A. A Resolution authorizing the submittal of an application requesting financial assistance under the Texas Water Development Board's (TWDB) Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program in an amount up to $10,500,000.00 for funding of certain qualified water projects.
B. A Resolution establishing the City's intention to reimburse itself for the prior lawful capital expenditures of funds from the proceeds of tax-exempt obligations up to $10,500,000.00.
TWDB's Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) provides loans at below market interest rates for the planning, design, and construction of water infrastructure projects. In March 2016, SAWS submitted a list of projects to TWDB to be qualified under the DWSRF. Projects are qualified for financial assistance through a needs assessment, environmental impact and engineering review. SAWS received an invitation to apply for financial assistance from TWDB for the qualified project. SAWS is expected to receive a below market interest rate loan in an amount not to exceed $10,500,000.00 from the DWSRF. If approved, the funds from the DWSRF will be used for water production facility upgrades to the Zarzamora Pump Station.
The process to receive financial assistance under the DWSRF program consists of the submittal of an application for participation. The acceptance of the application by TWDB is a commitment by TWDB to provide financing for the eligible projects. No financial commitment on SAWS' part is made during the application stage. SAWS will seek additional SAWS Board of Trustee and City Council approval prior to the issuance of any of the bonds relating to this program.
A reimbursement resolution provides SAWS with the flexibility to use revenu...
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