DEPARTMENT HEAD: Colleen M. Bridger MPH, PhD
Authorization of an Agreement with Humana Inc. for the Diabetes Collaborative
This ordinance authorizes a data usage agreement with Humana Inc. to provide diabetes data to the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District's Diabetes Collaborative for a term beginning October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018.
The San Antonio Diabetes Collaborative, facilitated by the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District (Metro Health) is working to develop a long-range strategic plan to prevent diabetes in San Antonio. It uses a collective impact model and unites leaders from public, private, and non-profit sectors, allowing for multiple organizations to work together to create a shared vision for change - one that includes a common understanding of the problem, shared measurement, and aligned efforts.
The goal of the Diabetes Collaborative is to prevent those with high risk factors from progressing to diabetes. To attain this goal, the Diabetes Collaborative targets the population with the highest risk of developing diabetes, including those with associated risk factors, adults ages 19-45, representing African American and Hispanics/Latinos, with a low income and low education level, and living in a zip code with the greatest disparity, through an approach that goes beyond simply looking at the quality of health care delivered to actively address those individual factors and the environmental barriers that limit positive health outcomes for those at risk.
The data provided by Humana will provide additional evidence and allow for a more comprehensive analysis concerning the compounding issue of diabetes. Data plays a substantial role in informing the Diabetes Collaborative, starting with the initial planning and determining the focus of the collective initiatives. Additionally, this data will be foundationa...
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