DEPARTMENT: Development Services
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Michael Shannon
Zoning Case Z-2019-10700004 CD
Current Zoning: "I-1 AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District
Requested Zoning: "C-2 CD AHOD" Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District with Conditional Use for a Dance Hall
Zoning Commission Hearing Date: February 19, 2019
Case Manager: Marco Hinojosa, Planner
Property Owner: Kargl Industries, Inc.
Applicant: Russell Hicks
Representative: Russell Hicks
Location: 8123 Broadway
Legal Description: Lot 43, NCB 11880
Total Acreage: 1.5078
Notices Mailed
Owners of Property within 200 feet: 42
Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet: Oak Park-Northwood
Applicable Agencies: Planning Department.
Property Details
Property History: The subject property was annexed into the city on September 25, 1952. The property was rezoned from "A" Residence District to "J" Commercial District by Ordinance 31006, dated January 2, 1963. The property converted from "J" Commercial District to the current "I-1" General Industrial District with the adoption of the 2001 Unified Development Code (UDC), established by Ordinance 93881, on May 3, 2001.
Topography: The subject property is not located within the 100-year flood plain.
Adjacent Base Zoning and Land Uses
Direction: North
Current Base Zoning: "R-4", "O-2", and "C-2"
Current Land Uses: Professional Offices
Direction: East
Current Base Zoning: "I-1", "C-2", and "O-2"
Current Land Uses: Restaurant and Bar
Direction: South
Current Base Zoning: "R-5" and "C-2"
Current Land Uses: Professional Offices and Church
Direction: West
Current Base Zoning: "C-1" and "RM-4"
Current Land Uses: Office and Single-Family Residences
Overlay and Special District Information:
All surrounding properties carry the "AHOD" Airport Hazard Overlay District, due to their proximity to an airport or approach path. The "AHOD" does ...
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