DEPARTMENT: Solid Waste Management Department
An Ordinance establishing a new brush collection schedule to reduce the spread of the oak wilt fungus.
Staff will present an ordinance to memorialize brush schedule changes in response to a Council Consideration Request from Councilman Joe Krier regarding a stronger oak wilt suppression program.
Oak wilt is a fungal disease that affects all species of oak trees. While some species of oak trees may be more resistant to the disease, many oak trees infected with oak wilt die. Oak wilt occurs in many states across the U.S., including Texas. In San Antonio there are several active oak wilt centers in the northwest side of the City. Generally, the active oak wilt centers in San Antonio are located outside Loop 410, north of Potranco and west of Highway 281.
The disease can be spread through open wounds on the trees, such as those created by pruning that are not immediately painted to protect the cut. In this scenario, small beetles may carry the fungal spores from an infected tree, or infected firewood, into a previously uninfected tree through the open wound. The oak wilt fungus and the beetles that may transmit the fungus are especially active during the spring. An infected tree may also transmit the disease through interconnected root systems. Oak wilt is particularly active during the spring months. Therefore, the Texas A&M Forest Service recommends not to prune oak trees during the months of February through June.
The Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) provides curbside brush collection two times per year and curbside bulky collection two times per year. Generally, this schedule consists of a fall brush collection, followed by a bulky collection in the winter, a spring brush collection and then a summer bulky collection.
Councilman Joe Krier submitted a Council C...
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