DEPARTMENT: Development Services
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Michael Shannon, Director
Mobile Living Parks, Chapter 18, Update
In 2016, the City investigated several significant code enforcement violations and health hazards at the Oak Hollow Mobile Home Park located in City Council District 8. At the urging of former Councilman and current Mayor, Ron Nirenberg, a post-mortem report for this location identified areas for improvement, one of which focused on proactive annual inspections of mobile home parks. With direction from the previous Neighborhoods and Livability Committee, the Development Services Department (DSD) facilitated an extensive public meeting and stakeholder input process to develop a revised ordinance that amends the registration and annual inspections of mobile living parks in the City. The changes were discussed at a number of stakeholder meetings, individual meetings, and with the Community, Health and Equity Committee on November 28, 2017. The proposed changes and new ordinance language require City Council consideration and approval.
Over the past few years, the conditions of a few mobile home parks have been brought to the City's attention and resulted in the re-location of residents due to health and safety concerns at these parks. Most recently, in 2016, the conditions at the Oak Hollow Mobile Home Park resulted in the relocation of families due to failures with several septic systems on the property which caused insanitary conditions which have the potential to be harmful to current residents. The concerns were inspected on a "reactive" basis after Code Enforcement received complaints about the conditions. Other City departments, including Metro Health and Human Services, assisted with inspecting the property and placing residents, respectively, into other residential settings.
Currently, mobile living parks are required to register with the Department ...
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