DEPARTMENT: Development Services
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Michael Shannon
Plan Amendment PA2018-900006
(Associated Zoning Case Z2018-900024)
Comprehensive Plan Component: Guadalupe Westside Community Plan
Plan Adoption Date: May 3, 2007
Current Land Use Category: "Low Density Residential"
Proposed Land Use Category: "Low Density Mixed Use"
Planning Commission Hearing Date: November 28, 2018
Case Manager: Marco Hinojosa, Planner
Property Owner: Jesse Arriaga
Applicant: Rene D. Ruiz
Representative: Rene D. Ruiz
Location: 2619 Buena Vista Street
Legal Description: Lot 12 Block 1 NCB 2322
Total Acreage: 0.1838
Notices Mailed
Owners of Property within 200 feet: 22
Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet: Prospect Hill
Applicable Agencies: Lackland Air Force Base
Thoroughfare: Buena Vista Street
Existing Character: Primary Arterial Type B
Proposed Changes: None Known
Public Transit: VIA bus routes are within walking distance of the subject property.
Routes Served: 75, 76, and 520
Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive Plan Component: Guadalupe Westside Community Plan
Plan Adoption Date: May 3, 2007
Plan Goals:
* Objective 19.3 - Encourage the development of vacant and substandard parcels.
* Objective 19.4.1 - Consider mixed use developments which promote compatibility through design guidelines and encourage pedestrian activity on the street.
* Objective 20.1.1 - Encourage and facilitate the development of quality, diverse housing that is compatible with the character of the neighborhood.
Comprehensive Land Use Categories
Land Use Category: "Low Density Residential"
Description of Land Use Category:
* Single-family homes on individual lots, on streets with low traffic volumes
* Ideally within walking distance of schools and neighborhood commercial uses. Certain lower impact community oriented uses such as churches, parks and a community c...
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