Department(s): Parks and Recreation, Development Services, and Solid Waste Management
Department Head(s): Janet Martin, Roderick J. Sanchez, and David W. McCary
Council Districts Impacted: City-Wide
Stronger Oak Wilt Suppression Program
On March 31, 2016, Councilman Joe Krier, Council District 9, requested a plan to address a stronger oak-wilt suppression program to be considered at a future Governance Committee session.
In 2003, City Council approved an ordinance creating general requirements to help prevent and control the spread of oak wilt. Per the ordinance all cuts or wounds on oak trees shall be painted within 30 minutes. Furthermore, the ordinance prohibits infected firewood from being brought into the city. Development Services tree inspectors inspect construction sites for compliance and areas scheduled for brush collections. In addition, the ordinance also implemented a requirement that a tree maintenance license be obtained by any person/company in the business or occupation of tree work that prunes trees.
Since the March 2, 2016 City Council B Session on oak wilt, city staff representing Development Services, Parks and Recreation, and Solid Waste have collaborated on the development and implementation of an enhanced oak wilt communications plan and have met to discuss a potential schedule change to the city's brush and bulky collection program.
Regulatory efforts inclusive of the city's oak wilt ordinance are currently in place. One of the primary objectives of this ordinance is to prevent and control the spread of oak wilt by targeting specific best practices associated with oak wilt management.
Development Services tree inspectors inspect construction sites for compliance and areas scheduled for brush collections
The CCR submitted on March 31, 2016 directed City staff to take the following steps to combat oak wilt, a fungal infection that destroys oak tree...
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