city of San Antonio

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File #: 15-4866   
Type: Staff Briefing - Without Ordinance
In control: City Council B Session
On agenda: 9/16/2015
Posting Language: A briefing by the San Antonio Water System on proposed recommendations to make certain modifications to the SAWS water and sewer rate structures. [Robert R. Puente, SAWS President and Chief Executive Officer, Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer]




San Antonio Water System (SAWS) briefing regarding recommendations to make certain modifications to the SAWS water and sewer rate structures.


The proposed recommendations to the current rate structure include changes to residential, general, irrigation and wholesale class rates. The recommendations include the expansion of the number of residential rate blocks from four to eight, providing stronger price signals for discretionary uses of water while creating a Lifeline Supply rate block for life-sustaining uses. SAWS has presented these recommendations to more than 40 community groups city-wide as well as numerous business organizations.


Approximately every five years, San Antonio Water System conducts a comprehensive cost of service and rate design study with the help of a national rate consultant and a citizen's advisory committee. The Rate Advisory Committee (RAC) consisted of representatives from throughout the community, including those nominated by City Council members. The RAC was tasked with reviewing the current structure and deliberating on how to best fund the needs of the city's water utility. It is important to note that the citizens' review focused on how to charge, not what to charge. The RAC was composed of the following members:

The Rate Advisory Committee (RAC) began meeting more than two years ago and over an 18 month period met on 14 different occasions. The RAC's hard work and commitment during this time yielded important recommendations for SAWS' water and wastewater rate structure. In May, the RAC unanimously agreed upon the final recommendations. These recommendations create a rate structure that will ensure fairness among customer categories (residential, commercial, irrigation, etc.), while also allowing SAWS to fully recover its costs.

The RAC recommendati...

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