city of San Antonio

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File #: 15-5239   
Type: Staff Briefing - Without Ordinance
In control: City Council B Session
On agenda: 10/14/2015
Posting Language: SAWS Proposed Rate Adjustments Briefing by SAWS [Robert R. Puente, SAWS President and Chief Executive Officer]
Attachments: 1. SAWS Appendix A, 2. SAWS Appendix B, 3. Water Measures, 4. SAWS Rate Restructure Adjustments and City Water Policy Study
Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer
City Wide
San Antonio Water System (SAWS) Rate Adjustments
SAWS is requesting a rate adjustment of 7.5% for the average residential customer and adjustments to certain other fees and charges effective January 1, 2016. In addition, SAWS is requesting that City Council approve rate adjustments for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2017 in an amount not to exceed 7.9% for the average residential customer. These proposed adjustments to rates are for the water supply, wastewater and water delivery core businesses within SAWS. SAWS will also be requesting pre-approved adjustments specifically for the water supply fee only for the calendar years 2018 through 2020. These pre-approved water supply fee adjustments are required in order to reach "financial closure" on the Vista Ridge project. Similar to the 2017 rate adjustment requests, the adjustments to the water supply fee are in relation to the average residential customer and are not to exceed 1.3% for 2018, 4.5% for 2019 and 9.9% for 2020.
As part of the development of the SAWS multi-year financial plan for 2016 through 2020, SAWS is requesting that City Council approve rate adjustments as outlined in the table below. The rate adjustment percentages are based on the impact to the average residential customer (assumes a monthly consumption of 7,092 gallons of water and 5,668 gallons of wastewater).

The 2016 rate adjustments will be effective January 1, 2016. All pre-approved rate adjustments for 2017 through 2020 are subject to a review by the Public Utilities Office. If the Public Utilities Office agrees with SAWS' request and the request does not exceed the pre-approved amounts, the rates will go into effect automatically on January 1st of each respective calendar year without further City Council action. While no further City Counc...

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