DEPARTMENT: Transportation & Capital Improvements
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Razi Hosseini, P.E., R.P.L.S.
Interlocal Agreement with San Antonio River Authority (SARA) for Services Implementing Green Storm Water Infrastructure Measures
An ordinance authorizing the execution of an Interlocal Agreement between the City of San Antonio and the San Antonio River Authority (SARA) for the implementation of green storm water infrastructure measures for select 2017 Bond Program projects.
The City of San Antonio (City) and San Antonio River Authority (SARA) have worked with other local governmental entities since 2004 as part of an Interlocal Agreement which formed the regional management program known as the Bexar Regional Watershed Management Program (BRWM) to deliver regional flood control, drainage, storm water and water quality projects and services to more effectively address associated public safety and resource management issues.
Over the past 10 years, the BRWM collectively, as well as each governmental entity individually, has worked to apply resources to reduce flooding risks and address threats to water quality effectively through the use of watershed master plans integrating capital projects, operations, land use, Low Impact Development (LID), and Green Infrastructure (GI) methods for maximum results and community benefits. LID and GI are cornerstone concepts of land sustainability in the Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability section of the City of San Antonio's 2020 Vision.
Recent studies by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) have shown storm water pollution is the leading cause of water quality contaminants in the nation. Currently, there are various river segments in Bexar County listed in Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act with an impairment for bacteria. These river segments are along the Salado Creek, Walzem Creek, and the upper ...
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