city of San Antonio

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File #: 20-3047   
Type: Purchase - Annual Contract
In control: City Council A Session
On agenda: 5/21/2020
Posting Language: Ordinance approving the following contracts establishing unit prices for goods and services for an estimated annual cost of $92,000.00, included in the respective department's FY 2020 Adopted Budget: (A) Galaxie Body Works, Inc., for collision body repair services for EMS vehicles; and (B) NCH Corporation, dba Chemsearch FE, for biological delivery and deodorizing systems to maintain drain lines, grease interceptors, and sanitary lift stations. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Attachments: 1. Table of Contents, 2. Galaxie Body Works, Inc. - Contract Summary Sheet, 3. Final Bid Tabulation, EMS Vehicle Body Repairs, 4. NCH Corporation, dba Chemsearch FE - Contract Summary Sheet, 5. Final Bid Tabulation, Amendment for Bio-Amp™ Biological Delivery & Xstink Deodorizing System, 6. Amendment 2 - Bio-Amp™ Biological Delivery & Xstink Deodorizing System, 7. Draft Ordinance, 8. Ordinance 2020-05-21-0333

DEPARTMENT: Finance Department                      











5/21/2020 Annual Contracts





An ordinance awarding two contracts to provide the City with commodities and services on an annual basis for the term of the contract, for an estimated annual cost of $92,000.00. This ordinance provides the procurement of the following items, as needed, and dependent on the Department's available budget, for the term of the contract:


          A.  Galaxie Body Works, Inc. for Fire - EMS Collision Body Repair Services, $80,000.00 annually (1 contract, San Antonio Fire Department)


          B.  NCH Corporation, dba Chemsearch FE for Bio-Amp™ Biological Delivery & Xstink Deodorizing System contract amendment, $12,000.00 increase; $60,300.00 total contract value (1 contract, Aviation)




The City of San Antonio utilizes annual contracts for procuring high volume repetitive purchases. Annual contracts are an efficient method of securing the best prices through volume purchasing and reducing large amounts of work related to the bid process. Utilization of annual contracts allows the City to procure numerous different commodities in support of the normal daily operations.


Contract procured on the basis of low bid:

A.                     Galaxie Body Works, Inc. for Fire - EMS Collision Body Repair Services, $80,000.00 annually, upon award through February 28, 2023 with two, one year renewal options - will provide the San Antonio Fire Department with a contractor to provide vehicle body work repair parts and services for the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) vehicles. These parts and services are required by the San Antonio Fire Department (SAFD) Fleet Division to service EMS units. These vehicles are utilized by the Fire Department’s EMS Division to provide medical emergency and non-emergency assistance to the residents of San Antonio and to safely transport residents to hospitals throughout the city. Fire Department utilizes this contract to ensure safe and reliable operation of the EMS vehicles.



B.                     NCH Corporation, dba Chemsearch FE for Bio-Amp™ Biological Delivery & Xstink Deodorizing System contract amendment, $12,000.00 increase; $60,300.00 total contract value, upon award through November 30, 2020, with a one year renewal option - On November 30, 2018, an informal annual contract was awarded to NCH Corporation, dba Chemsearch FE for equipment and services that augment the natural breakdown of organic waste and provide odor control in the trash compactors which are located in San Antonio International Airport, Terminal A and B.  The term of the contract is December 1, 2018 through November 30, 2020, with a one-year renewal option for the estimated total contract value of $45,000.00. On February 1, 2020, Amendment 1 was approved to add additional odor control equipment at the Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) station increasing the estimated total contract value by $3,300.00, for a new total contract value of $48,300.00.


Amendment 2 will increase the estimated total contract value by $12,000.00 for a new estimated total contract value of $60,300.00 and will add the following additional equipment and services:

• Drain Maintenance Program - Odor Punch PM at Terminal A basement grease interceptor

• Bio-Amp+ Nutrient Program at Terminal A basement primary sanitary lift station


The equipment and services will mitigate the odors from the Terminal A main sewer lift station and the Terminal A grease trap Interceptor located in the Terminal A Garage.


This contract is awarded utilizing BuyBoard contact #577-18 in accordance with the Texas Local Government Purchasing Cooperative passed on Ordinance 97097, dated 1/30/2003 which provides that a local government may purchase goods or services available under Purchasing Cooperative (“BuyBoard”).




These contracts represent a portion of approximately 250 annual contracts that will be brought before City Council throughout the fiscal year. These products and services are used by city departments in their daily operations.


A.                     EMS Collision Body Repair Services - The Small Business Economic Development Advocacy (SBEDA) Ordinance requirements were waived due to the lack of small, minority, and/or women businesses available to provide these goods and services.


The recommended award is to the lowest responsive bidder, who is also a local business; therefore, application of the Local Preference Program was not required.


The Veteran-Owned Small Business Preference Program does not apply to goods/supplies contracts, so no preference was applied to this contract.


B.                     Bio-Amp™ Biological Delivery & Xstink Deodorizing System contract amendment -


This contract is an exception to the Local Preference Program.


The Veteran-Owned Small Business Preference Program does not apply to non-professional service contracts, so no preference was applied to this contract.





A.                     Fire - EMS Collision Body Repair Services - Should this contract not be approved, the Fire Department would be required to pay market prices for EMS vehicle body and repair services on an as needed basis where increased cost and service repair times would be realized. This could delay the return of EMS vehicles into operational status potentially leading to a decrease in the availability of emergency services to the citizens of San Antonio.


B.                     Bio-Amp™ Biological Delivery & Xstink Deodorizing System contract amendment - Should this amendment not be approved, the Aviation Department will continue using the existing services and equipment. However, approval of Amendment 2 is required for new equipment and services to control odors that are penetrating the HVAC system and entering into the US Customs offices, baggage claim area, ticket counters, and food delivery docks. These odors negatively impact the costumer experience.





Funds are not encumbered by this ordinance. All expenditures will be in accordance with the Department's adopted budget approved by City Council. Purchases made by the Department are as needed and dependent upon available funds within their adopted budget.





Staff recommends the acceptance of these contracts submitted through this ordinance to provide the City with specified services on an annual contract basis.  These annual contracts are critical to the City's daily operations.


These contracts were procured on the basis of low bid and amendment and Contract Disclosure Forms are not required.