Annual Contract for Noise Operations and Monitoring (NOM) System for San Antonio International Airport
This ordinance authorizes acceptance of a proposal from Bruel & Kjaer EMS, Inc. to provide the San Antonio International Airport with a Noise Operations and Monitoring System for a cumulative amount of $1,847,826.00 for an initial term of five years, with options to renew the term of the agreement for two additional one-year periods. The annual contract amount is $227,500.00 for Year 1, $262,801.00 for Year 2, $265,625.00 for Year 3, $268,507.00 for Year 4, $271,447.00 for Year 5, and if renewed $274,444.00 for Year 6, and $277,502.00 for Year 7. This project is funded by Airport Operating and Maintenance Funds.
The San Antonio International Airport requires a new contract for the maintenance and upgrade of the existing Noise Operation and Monitoring System (NOMS). The NOMS is an integrated noise measurement and flight tracking system that correlates noise, flight and complaint data, provides near real time internet access to flight tracks and noise data, and provides high quality report and graphic output. The existing NOMS installation was initiated in 2004 and modified in 2009. The current system consists of twelve remote monitoring sensors that reports noise levels to a centralized collection computer.
The City issued a Request for Competitive Sealed Proposal for “Noise Operation and Monitoring System” (RFCSP 6100005534) on July 19, 2017 and the Aviation Department received three proposals on September 15, 2017.
The evaluation committee consisted of representatives from the Aviation Department, ITSD, and THC, Inc. The Finance Department, Purchasing Division facilitated by ensuring compliance with City procurement policies and procedures.
The evaluation of each proposal was based on a total of one hundred points: fifty points for experience, background, qualifications, thirty five points for proposed plan; and fifteen points for price schedule. Based on the City’s standard RFCSP process, Bruel & Kjaer EMS, Inc. is recommended for award.
The initial term of the agreement shall be for a period of five years. Two additional one-year renewals at the City’s option will also be authorized by this ordinance.
This ordinance will provide the Aviation Department with a NOMS for the San Antonio International Airport. The services required through this contract are to maintain and upgrade the existing NOMS, collect and interpret NOMS data, resolve compatibility issues between flight tracking software and City’s network/hardware, design and maintain a public portal, and provide portable noise monitoring services.
In accordance with federal requirements, the solicitation was released under the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program.
Recommended award is an exception to the Local Preference Program.
The Veteran-Owned Small Business Preference Program does not apply to non-professional service contracts, so no preference was applied to this contract.
Should the contract not be approved, the Aviation Department will have to pay for month to month service and will not have the benefit of a negotiated rate with a NOMS provider. Noise monitoring may become sporadic or impossible without this contract. If the NOMS service is discontinued; there will not be a single system to layer noise events, flight operations, and noise complaints. The response times to noise complaints would increase and the level of information to address noise complaints would decrease. There would not be a public portal to access aviation noise information. The Aviation Department would not have flight track mapping capabilities and there would not be a system to evaluate and analyze recorded noise events.
This Ordinance authorizes a five year contract with the option to renew the contract annually for two years with Bruel & Kjaer EMS, Inc., for a cumulative amount of $1,847,826.00. The contract will be funded with Airport Operations and Maintenance Fund as follows: $227,500.00 for Year 1, $262,801.00 for Year 2, $265,625 for Year 3, $268,507 for Year 4, $271,447 for Year 5, and if renewed $274,444 for Year 6, and $277,502 for Year 7.
Staff recommends approval of the contract with Bruel & Kjaer EMS, Inc. to provide the San Antonio International Airport with a Noise Operations and Monitoring System for a cumulative amount of $1,847,826.00.
This contract is procured by means of a Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals and a Contracts Disclosure Form is required.