2020 SMART Airports Conference & Regions Conference & Exhibition
An Ordinance authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding with Aviation Media Ltd (AML) for expenses related to hosting the SMART Airports & Regions Conference & Exhibition 2020 in San Antonio from April 13, 2020 through April 15, 2020. The agreement outlines the responsibilities of AML and the airport system for the delivery of the actions surrounding the event. As part of the agreement, the airport system will pay an amount not to exceed $70,000.00 for hosting responsibilities that will be funded by the Aviation Operating and Maintenance Fund.
The SMART Airports & Regions Conference & Exhibition specializes in the strategies, technologies and innovations related to airport design, construction and development; commercial development; real estate and non-aeronautical revenue; SMART airport technology; and passenger and customer enhancements. Up to 500 attendees are expected and will include airport executives and representatives from airport industry organizations.
The conference will attract visitors to San Antonio who will stay at area hotels and eat at local restaurants and provide an opportunity for airport system staff to attend this type of conference.
The agreement outlines the responsibilities of the city and AML for hosting the conference in 2020.
The city is responsible for assisting in identifying local speakers and marketing the event to local potential delegates, providing staff assistance for registration and potentially having a welcome table at the airport. The city will also help AML identify a photographer or videographer as well as organize the Handover Ceremony with the host of the 2021 conference.
The city will pay a hosting fee of $62,500.00 and up to $7,500.00 for the Handover Ceremony at the 2019 SMART conference. Included in the hosting fee, AML will be responsible for the following tasks:
• Identifying local sponsors
• Producing and maintain the website; on-site signage; post-conference online materials
• Developing and maintaining the conference program and brochure both online and printed
• Developing the marketing plan
• Promoting the event and securing delegate
• Procurement of food and beverages for lunches; refreshment breaks; welcome reception; gala event; and, conference and exhibition facilities
• Marketing sponsorship opportunities and exhibition booths
• Other items as needed.
City Council could elect requesting staff to renegotiate the terms of the agreement. However, this agreement is standard and has been reviewed by the City Attorney’s Office.
An Ordinance authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding with Aviation Media Ltd (AML) for expenses related to hosting the SMART Airports & Regions Conference & Exhibition 2020 in San Antonio from April 13, 2020 through April 15, 2020. The agreement outlines the responsibilities of AML and the airport system for the delivery of the actions surrounding the event. As part of the agreement, the airport system will pay an amount not to exceed $70,000.00 for hosting responsibilities that will be funded by the Aviation Operating and Maintenance Fund.
The airport system will pay AML 50% of the hosting fee, or $31,250.00, once the agreement is approved by City Council from the FY 2019 Aviation Operating and Maintenance Fund. These funds have been budgeted within the department’s adopted operating budget.
The remaining amount of the hosting fee, or $31,250.00, and up to $7,500.00 for the Handover Ceremony that will take place on April 15, 2020 will be included in the FY 2020 Aviation Operating Budget and subject to appropriation by City Council.
Staff recommends the approval of a Memorandum of Understanding with Aviation Media Ltd (AML) for the SMART Airports & Regions Conference & Exhibition 2020 from April 13, 2020 through April 15, 2020.