city of San Antonio

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File #: 16-3525   
Type: Purchase of Services
In control: City Council A Session
On agenda: 6/30/2016
Posting Language: An Ordinance accepting the offer from Facility Solutions Group, Inc. dba FSG Lighting to provide and install lighting poles and install LED fixtures at Kelly Area and Vidaurri Parks for the City's Parks and Recreation Department for a total cost of $164,844.24, funded from the FY2016 Budget Amendment for District 5 Park Improvements. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Director, Finance]
Attachments: 1. 61-7494 Facility Solutions, Group, 2. Bid Tab, 3. 1295, 4. Draft Ordinance, 5. Ordinance 2016-06-30-0502




Pathway Lighting at Kelly Area and Vidaurri Parks


This ordinance authorizes a contract with Facility Solutions Group, Inc. dba FSG Lighting in the total amount of $164,844.24 for pathway lighting poles and City- furnished LED fixtures to be installed at Kelly Area and Vidaurri Parks for the Parks and Recreation Department. Funding is available from the FY 2016 Budget for District 5 Park Improvements.


Submitted for Council consideration and action is the offer submitted by Facility Solutions Group, Inc. dba FSG Lighting utilizing the Texas BuyBoard contract number 461-14 to provide seven 25 foot steel light poles and install fourteen City furnished 195W LED fixtures at Kelly Area Park for a cost of $68,005.58 and fourteen 25 foot steel light poles and twenty-eight City furnished 195W LED fixtures at Vidaurri Park for a cost of $96,838.66. The total project cost for lighting enhancements at these two parks is $164,844.24. The LED lights and light poles will be installed along interior park pathways and trails to provide lighting during the evening hours.


This purchase will provide the Parks and Recreation Department with a contractor that will install twenty-one, 25 foot steel light poles and forty-two City furnished 195W LED fixtures. The contractor shall trench to nearest power source and install new conduit and wire to the locations of the twenty-one new poles. The contractor will provide all labor, materials and equipment for the trenching of cables and placement of the poles and lighting fixtures at Kelly Area Park and Vidaurri Park for a total cost of $164,844.24.

This purchase will be made in accordance with the Texas Local Government Purchasing Cooperative passed on Ordinance No. 97097, dated January 30, 2003. The Texas BuyBoard cooperative is a...

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