DEPARTMENT: Development Services
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Michael Shannon
Zoning Case Z-2018-900048 CD
Current Zoning: "C-2 MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Commercial Military Lighting Overlay District Lackland Military Lighting Region-2 Airport Hazard Overlay District and "C-3 MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" General Commercial Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region-2 Airport Hazard Overlay District
Requested Zoning: "C-2 CD MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Commercial Military Lighting Overlay District Lackland Military Lighting Region-2 Airport Hazard Overlay District with Conditional Use for Auto and Light Truck Repair
Zoning Commission Hearing Date: December 18, 2018
Case Manager: Patricia Franco, Planner
Property Owner: M2G Stone Oak LTD
Applicant: Prevto Companies, Ltd
Representative: Kaufman & Killen
Location: generally located at the intersection of West Loop 1604 and West Military Drive
Legal Description: 0.771 acres out of NCB 17647
Total Acreage: 0.771
Notices Mailed
Owners of Property within 200 feet: 4
Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet: Oak Creek Neighborhood Association
Applicable Agencies: Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio Water Systems, Texas Department of Transportation
Property Details
Property History:
A portion of the property was rezoned from "R-6" Residential Single-Family District to "C-3" General Commercial District by Ordinance 2006-04-20-0526, dated April 20, 2006. The other portion of the property was rezoned from "R-6" Residential Single-Family District to "C-2" Commercial District by Ordinance 2007-06-07-0665, dated June 7, 2007.
Topography: The property does not include any abnormal physical features such as slope or inclusion in a floodplain.
Adjacent Base Zoning and Land Uses
Direction: North
Current Base Zoning: "C-2"
Current Land Uses: Vacant Commercial
Direction: East
Current Base Zoning: "R-6"
Current Land Uses: Single-Family Res...
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