DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Xavier D. Urrutia
Edwards Aquifer Protection Program - Conservation Easement Acquisition
This ordinance authorizes the payment of $1,797,690.00, from Proposition 1 Edwards Aquifer Protection Sales Tax fund, for the acquisition of approximately 229-acre tract known as the Goodhorse Ranch located in Bexar County, to become part of Government Canyon State Natural Area, managed by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; and in exchange the City will hold an aquifer protection conservation easement on said property.
In November 2010, San Antonio voters approved the continuation of a 1/8-cent sales tax venue up to $90 million known as the Proposition 1 Edwards Aquifer Protection Program (EAPP). The purpose of the EAPP is to obtain property rights by fee-simple purchase, conservation easements or donations of land over the sensitive zones of the Edwards Aquifer. The Goodhorse Ranch meets the requirements for the EAPP. It is located entirely over the Recharge Zone in Bexar County and the majority of the land is outside of the flood plain and suitable for potential residential development. The property appraised at a value of 16,000 per acre in August of 2015. However, the current owners of the land have agreed to sell the property at a discounted price of $7,500.00 per acre. This discounted purchase price is approximately 46% of the appraised market value, and therefore is in line with what the City typically pays for a conservation easement on land over the aquifer. The City would contribute EAPP funds with title to be held by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD).
The property is adjacent to Government Canyon and is very close to several properties also protected by conservation easements under the City's aquifer protection program, and would result in over 12,500 acres of contiguously...
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