DEPARTMENT: Development Services
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Michael Shannon
Zoning Case Z-2018-900030 S
Current Zoning: "I-2" General Industrial District
Requested Zoning: "R-4 S" Residential Single-Family District with Specific Use Authorization for a Manufactured Home
Zoning Commission Hearing Date: December 4, 2018
Case Manager: Nyliah Acosta, Planner
Property Owner: Irma & Francisco J. Diaz
Applicant: Francisco J. Diaz
Representative: Francisco J. Diaz
Location: 423 Runnels Avenue
Legal Description: Lot 14, Block 11, NCB 1204
Total Acreage: 0.12
Notices Mailed
Owners of Property within 200 feet: 28
Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet: Government Hill Alliance
Applicable Agencies: None
Property Details
Property History: The subject property is part of the original 36 square miles of the city of San Antonio and was zoned "L" First Manufacturing District. Upon the adoption of the 2001 Unified Development Code, the previous "L" converted to the current "I-2" Heavy Industrial District.
Topography: The property does not include any abnormal physical features such as slope or inclusion in a floodplain.
Adjacent Base Zoning and Land Uses
Direction: North
Current Base Zoning: I-2
Current Land Uses: Vacant Lots, residences
Direction: East
Current Base Zoning: I-2
Current Land Uses: Vacant Lots, residences
Direction: South
Current Base Zoning: I-2
Current Land Uses: Vacant Lots, residences
Direction: West
Current Base Zoning: I-2
Current Land Uses: Vacant Lots, residences
Overlay and Special District Information: None
Thoroughfare: Runnels Avenue
Existing Character: Local Road
Proposed Changes: None Known
Public Transit: VIA route 515 is within walking distance of the subject property.
Traffic Impact: A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) is not required. The traffic generated by the proposed development does not ex...
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