DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Xavier D. Urrutia
Naming of Lake at Wesley Milam Tealer Park to Lake Verda
This ordinance authorizes the naming of the lake at Milam Tealer Park to Lake Verda located at 5640 Lakefront Drive in Council District 2.
The Lakeside Neighborhood Association, representing individual residents' they serve in the area, has requested that the lake at Milam Tealer Park, 5640 Lakefront Drive be named Lake Verda.
The naming of the lake is to recognize Mrs. Verda Tealer, the wife of Milam Wesley Tealer whom the park is named after. Mrs. Tealer has been a long time resident of Lakeside, and like her husband, has been a tireless worker and ongoing advocate for the Lakeside community. The association and its members feel that this naming is a fitting tribute for the lady who dedicated her time, talent and monies to the betterment of the overall Lakeside community. In addition, the community has bestowed Mrs. Tealer with the title of "Mother of Lakeside" because she continues to work to ensure every resident, from the children to the residents, are not forgotten and included in everything done by the Lakeside Neighborhood Association.
Staff followed the naming process in accordance with Ordinance No. 2011-03-31-0239. A committee was established to hold a public hearing on this proposal. The committee consisted of Chris Dawkins, Community Representative selected by Council District 2 and Homer Garcia III, Assistant Director of the Parks and Recreation Department. Notice of the public hearing was advertised twice in the San Antonio Express-News and The Rivard Report. It was also posted on the City of San Antonio Parks and Recreation website and a media release was distributed. Direct notification was mailed to one hundred twenty (120) residents and businesses within a two hundred (200) foot radius of this public park. The Depa...
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