city of San Antonio

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File #: 19-7932   
Type: Purchase of Services
In control: City Council A Session
On agenda: 11/14/2019
Posting Language: Ordinance approving a contract with Mark43, Inc. for a Records Management System for San Antonio Police Department and services required to fully implement and integrate the system for a planned value of $3,849,700.00 for implementation and initial system subscription services funded through the ITSD project budget and ongoing annual system subscription services for Years 2-5 for a planned cost of $277,120.00 annually funded from subsequent ITSD operating budgets for a total contract amount of $4,958,180.00. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Attachments: 1. Scoring Matrix-Initial Meeting-6.28.19, 2. Scoring Matrix-Final Evaluation-9.20.19, 3. Mark43 Contracts Disclosure Form, 4. Draft Ordinance, 5. Ordinance 2019-11-14-0951




Records Management System for San Antonio Police Department


This ordinance authorizes a five-year contract in the amount of $4,958,180 with Mark43, Inc. for the delivery, implementation, and integration of a Records Management System for San Antonio Police Department (SAPD). Of this amount $3,849,700 is for the initial implementation of the system funded from the FY 2020 Information Technology Services Capital Budget and subsequent subscription services (Year 2 to 5) in the annual amount of $277,120 to be funded from the SAPD General Fund Budget.


Submitted for Council consideration and action is a proposal submitted by Mark43, Inc. for the delivery of a Records Management System for San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) as well as services required to implement and integrate the system.

The City of San Antonio Police Department requested proposals from qualified firms to replace the current Records Management System (RMS) with a web-based, National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) compliant records management system. The NIBRS crime reporting standard has been mandated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to replace current Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) standard by January 2021.

The RMS is a department wide system that integrates with the City's Public Safety Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system. The RMS allows for report creation, storage, retrieval, retention, editing, archiving and viewing of information specific to law enforcement activities. New functionality existing within the new web-based RMS includes: 1) more robust system interfaces and seamless integrations with applications and systems which officers use on a daily basis, 2) streamlined report writing in the field utilizing dynamic drop-downs for specific offenses/incidents, 3) links to body worn and in-car camera video for detectives, 4...

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