5/6/2021 Annual Contracts
An ordinance awarding five contracts to provide the City with commodities and services on an annual basis for the term of the contract, for an estimated annual cost of $4,089,000.00. This ordinance provides the procurement of the following items, as needed, and dependent on the Department's available budget, for the term of the contract:
A. Gulf Coast Paper, a div. of Imperial Dade and Safeway Supply, Inc. for Janitorial Supplies, $2,429,000.00 annually (3 contracts, Citywide)
B. Otto Environmental Systems North America, Inc. for Refuse Containers, $1,641,000.00 annually (1 contract, Solid Waste Management)
C. Multicultural Books & Videos for Spanish Language Books and Media, $19,000.00 annually; $75,000.00 contract period (1 contract, San Antonio Public Library)
The City of San Antonio utilizes annual contracts for procuring high volume repetitive purchases. Annual contracts are an efficient method of securing the best prices through volume purchasing and reducing large amounts of work related to the bid process. Utilization of annual contracts allows the City to procure numerous different commodities in support of the normal daily operations.
Contract procured on the basis of low bid:
A. Gulf Coast Paper, a div. of Imperial Dade and Safeway Supply, Inc. for Janitorial Supplies, $2,429,000.00 annually, upon award through December 31, 2023 with two, one-year renewal options - will provide the City with the purchase and 3-day delivery of a wide assortment of janitorial supplies utilized by over 400 City facilities located throughout the City. Over 3,000 items will be available discounted up to 55% from published catalog pricing. In compliance with the Office of Sustainability’s initiative, this contract will provide “Environmentally Preferred” products.
B. Otto Environmental Systems North America, Inc. for Refuse Containers, $1,641,000.00 annually, upon award through December 31, 2023 - will provide the Solid Waste Management Department with a secondary source of refuse carts to ensure a sufficient supply of various size carts for the collection of recyclables, organic materials, and refuse for the residents of San Antonio. Due to delivery delays experienced by the City’s current vendor, this contract will provide the Solid Waste Management Department with an additional vendor to ensure an adequate inventory of carts to fulfill requests from residents in a timely manner. This contract will also allow the Solid Waste Management Department to maintain a sufficient inventory of carts in order to replace those that are lost, damaged, or stolen. These carts are provided to City residents that receive automated collection service.
The City of San Antonio initiated the variable rate pricing program in October 2015. This contract will allow the department to purchase additional carts during the transition to the Pay as you Throw (PAYT) program over the next several years where residents will be charged for garbage service based on volume. The City of San Antonio utilized a cooperative contract in an effort to match the current refuse carts look and sizes.
Sole Source:
C. Multicultural Books & Videos for Spanish Language Books and Media, $19,000.00 annually; $75,000.00 contract period, upon award through September 30, 2022 with two, one-year renewal options - will provide the San Antonio Public Library system (SAPL) with a supplier for the purchase and delivery of Spanish language books and media to support the City’s multi-lingual collection. Books and media selected are the most popular and current for juveniles, teens, and adults. Multicultural Books & Videos (MCBV) is an exclusive distributor of Spanish language books and media available in limited print runs and with limited regional publishing rights. This media is purchased at annual book fairs in Mexico and Spain and not available from other U.S. based suppliers.
This item is being purchased as a Sole Source according to the provisions of Texas Statutes Local Government Code 252.022.07. No other source can supply the items listed nor can any comparable item fulfill the same requirements. Vendor acknowledges, with their signature, that all items offered are considered a Sole Source.
These contracts represent a portion of approximately 250 annual contracts that will be brought before City Council throughout the fiscal year. These products and services are used by city departments in their daily operations.
A. Janitorial Supplies - This contract will be awarded in compliance with the Small Business Economic Development Advocacy (SBEDA) Program. Gulf Coast Paper, a div. of Imperial Dade and Safeway Supply, Inc. haves committed to satisfying the 5% Small Business Enterprise (SBE) subcontracting goal.
In accordance with the Local Preference Program, no local preference was applied for Categories 1, 3 & 4 since the local bidder is not within 3% of the recommended low non-local bidder.
The recommended award in Category 2 is in accordance with the Local Preference Program and will result in an additional estimated annual cost to the City of $3,829.17. Safeway Supply Inc., the recommended local bidder, submitted a bid of $345,098.70 and is within 3% of Gulf Coast Paper a division of Imperial Dade the lowest, responsive non -local bidder, who submitted a bid of $341,269.53.
For Category 5, the recommended award is to the lowest responsive bidder, who is a local business; therefore, application of the Local Preference Program was not required.
The Veteran-Owned Small Business Preference Program does not apply to goods/supplies contracts, so no preference was applied to this contract.
B. Refuse Containers - The Small Business Economic Development Advocacy (SBEDA) Ordinance requirements were waived due to the lack of small, minority, and/or women businesses available to provide these goods and services.
This contract is an exception to the Local Preference Program.
The Veteran-Owned Small Business Preference Program does not apply to goods/supplies contracts, so no preference was applied to this contract.
C. Spanish Language Books and Media -
This contact is an exception to the SBEDA and Local Preference Programs.
The Veteran-Owned Small Business Preference Program does not apply to goods/supplies contracts, so no preference was applied to this contract.
A. Janitorial Supplies - Should this contract not be approved, departments will have to seek quotes for janitorial supplies through a variety of janitorial supply vendors as needs arise thereby overlooking the advantage associated with the City’s consolidated purchasing power of procuring janitorial supplies through a requirements contract. Establishing this catalog contract will secure substantial volume discounts with many of the janitorial items discounted up to 55%.
B. Refuse Containers - Should this contract not be approved, the Solid Waste Management Department will not be able to utilize an additional vendor to provide refuse carts and could delay any requests from residents who wish to down size to a smaller refuse cart from due to the implementation of Pay as you Throw.
C. Spanish Language Books and Media - Should this contract not be approved, SAPL will not have a North America dealer to purchase Spanish language books and media directly from sources located abroad and the Guadalajara International Book Fair which is held in Guadalajara, Mexico once a year.
Funds are not encumbered by this ordinance. All expenditures will be in accordance with the Department's adopted budget approved by City Council. Purchases made by the Department are as needed and dependent upon available funds within their adopted budget.
Staff recommends the acceptance of these contracts submitted through this ordinance to provide the City with specified services on an annual contract basis. These annual contracts are critical to the City's daily operations.
These contracts were procured on the basis of low bid, cooperative contact and sole source, and Contract Disclosure Forms are not required.