city of San Antonio

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File #: 18-6533   
Type: Zoning Case
In control: City Council A Session
On agenda: 1/17/2019
Posting Language: ZONING CASE # Z-2018-900003 (Council District 5): Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with multi-family residential uses not to exceed 21 units per acre and uses permitted in "C-2" Commercial District to "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted in "MF-25" Low Density Multi-Family District, "C-2" Commercial District, Fitness/Health Club, Gymnasium, Natatorium, Sport Court – Outdoor Uses Permitted, Hotel, Bar/Tavern, Microbrewery, Nightclub without Cover Charge Three (3) or more days per week, and a Winery with Bottling, on Lot 11 and Lot 2, Block 4, NCB 2568, located at 415 East Cevallos Street. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Attachments: 1. Location Map, 2. Site Plan, 3. Zoning Minutes, 4. Draft Ordinance, 5. Ordinance 2019-01-17-0084

DEPARTMENT: Development Services                     


DEPARTMENT HEAD: Michael Shannon





Zoning Case Z2018-900003



Current Zoning: "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with residential uses not to exceed “MF-21” units per acre  and "C-2" Commercial District


Requested Zoning:  "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted in "MF-25" Low Density Multi-Family, "C-2" Commercial District, Fitness/Health Club, Gymnasium, Natatorium, Sport Court - Outdoor Uses Permitted, Hotel, Bar/Tavern, Microbrewery, Nightclub without Cover Charge Three (3) or more days per week, and a Winery with Bottling



Zoning Commission Hearing Date:  November 20, 2018


Case Manager:  Marco Hinojosa, Planner


Property Owner:  Jeet Investment Group, LLC


Applicant:  Sukhdeep Kaur


Representative:  Sukhdeep Kaur


Location:  415 East Cevallos Street


Legal Description:  Lot 11 and Lot 2, Block 4, NCB 2568


Total Acreage:  0.195


Notices Mailed

Owners of Property within 200 feet:  12

Registered Neighborhood Associations within 200 feet:  Lone Star Neighborhood Association

Applicable Agencies:  Texas Department of Transportation


Property Details

Property History:  The subject property was rezoned from “IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with Multi-Family uses not to exceed 21 units per acre to "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted in "C-2" Commercial District and Multi-Family uses not to exceed 21 units per acre by Ordinance 2017-04-20-0286, dated April 20, 2017.


Topography:  The property does not include any abnormal physical features such as slope or inclusion in a floodplain.


Adjacent Base Zoning and Land Uses

Direction:  North

Current Base Zoning:  “IDZ”

Current Land Uses:  Cevallo Lofts


Direction:  East

Current Base Zoning:  “IDZ”

Current Land Uses:  La Tuna Grill


Direction:  South

Current Base Zoning:  “IDZ”

Current Land Uses:  Southtown Flats


Direction:  West

Current Base Zoning:  “IDZ”

Current Land Uses:  Casa Hernan Restaurant


Overlay and Special District Information:


All surrounding properties carry the "AHOD" Airport Hazard Overlay District, due to their proximity to an airport or approach path.  The "AHOD" does not restrict permitted uses, but can require additional review of construction plans by both the Development Services Department and the Federal Aviation Administration.



Thoroughfare:  Cevallos Street

Existing Character:  Minor

Proposed Changes:  None Known

Public Transit:  VIA bus routes are within walking distance of the subject property. Routes served: 46, 246


Thoroughfare:  Probandt Road

Existing Character:  Secondary Arterial Type A

Proposed Changes:  Probandt Street (South Alamo Street to US Highway 90) - 2017 General Obligation Bond

Public Transit:  VIA bus routes are within walking distance of the subject property. Routes served: 46, 246



Traffic Impact:  A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) is not required. Infill Development (IDZ) is exempt from TIA requirements.


Parking Information:  The “IDZ” Infill Development Zone District waives off-street vehicle parking requirements.






A denial of the request will result in the subject property retaining the current base zoning district of “IDZ”.






The subject property is within the Downtown Regional Center and half a mile of a Premium Transit Corridor


Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Staff and Zoning Commission (8-0) recommend Approval.


Criteria for Review:  According to Section 35-421, zoning amendments shall be based on the approval criteria below.


1.  Consistency: 

The property is located within the Lone Star Neighborhood Plan, and is currently designated as “High Density Mixed Use” in the future land use component of the plan.  The requested “IDZ” Infill Development Zone base zoning district is consistent with the future land use designation.


2.  Adverse Impacts on Neighboring Lands: 

Staff finds no evidence of likely adverse impacts on neighboring lands in relation to this zoning change request.


3.  Suitability as Presently Zoned: 

The current “IDZ” base zoning district is appropriate for the subject property’s location. The proposal was rezoned to its current zoning in 2017. The proposal will add commercial uses for a mixed use project. The properties that are located around the subject property include several multi-family residences and commercial properties which follow the current pattern for development of that area


4.  Health, Safety and Welfare: 

Staff has found no indication of likely adverse effects on the public health, safety, or welfare.


5.  Public Policy: 

The proposed rezoning does not appear to conflict with the following goals, principles, and objectives of the Lone Star Community Plan.


Lone Star Community Plan Relevant Goals and Objectives:

                     LU-2: Incorporate site and building design principles including attractive and functional streetscapes, inviting public spaces, creative design and material selection, sustainable development techniques, and a mix of uses into new development and redevelopment projects.


6.  Size of Tract: 

The subject property totals 0.195 acres in size, which reasonably accommodates the uses permitted in “IDZ” Infill Development Zone District.


7.  Other Factors: 

Infill Development Zone (IDZ) provides flexible standards for developments.  IDZ is to encourage and facilitate development on vacant, bypassed lands, or the redevelopment of underutilized buildings of structures, within existing built-up areas. IDZ may be approved as either a base zoning district or an overlay zoning district.  Standards required in an IDZ district shall apply to either IDZ base zoning or the IDZ overlay district except where otherwise specifically stated. Typically IDZ gives flexibility to parking requirements, lots sizes, and setbacks.

                     The applicant’s request meets the Master Plan’s Policy for Growth Management - Policy 1g, because it makes physical improvements on an inner city property encouraging redevelopment and infill development.

                     The applicant’s request the Master Plan’s Policy for Neighborhoods - Policy 1a, because it rezones vacant or underutilized property in and around neighborhoods to encourage redevelopment that is compatible in use and intensity with the existing neighborhood.

                     The applicant’s request the Master Plan’s Policy for Urban Design - Policy 1c, because it develops zoning that allows mixed-use development (i.e. residential and commercial) to be placed in the same building.