DEPARTMENT: Human Services
2018 Community Services Block Grant
This ordinance authorizes the submission of the 2018 Community Action Plan grant application and acceptance of Community Services Block Grant funds upon award, of up to $2,022,541.00 from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for the period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018, and authorizes a budget and personnel complement of 25 grant funded positions.
This ordinance also authorizes the Director of the Department of Human Services to initiate, negotiate, and execute any and all necessary documents and a grant contract to effectuate the acceptance of this grant, and to execute contract amendments pertaining to this contract, to include a) carry-over funds, when ascertained and approved by the funding agency through a revised notice of award; b) line item budget revisions authorized by the funding agency; c) modifications to the performance measures authorized by the funding agency and listed in the contract so long as the terms of the amendment stay within the general parameters of the intent of the grant; d) no cost extensions; e) amendments which will provide supplemental grant funds to the grant by the funding agency in an amount up to 20% of the total amount awarded to the grant; f) reimbursement increases of administrative funds for each participant served; g) amendments funding one time equipment purchases or defined program services; and h) changes in regulations mandated by the funding agency.
The City of San Antonio, Department of Human Services (DHS) is the designated Community Action Agency (CAA) and Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) eligible entity for San Antonio and Bexar County. DHS has operated the Community Action Program since 1979. The Community Action Advisory Board (CAAB) acts in an advisory capacity regarding implementation of Community Action Programs. The CAAB is a tri-partite board consisting of 1) representatives of the low income population by geographical area; 2) representatives of non-profit organizations in San Antonio; and 3) public officials.
The primary purpose of the CSBG grant is to transition individuals and families out of poverty and to provide safety net assistance to San Antonio and Bexar County residents at or below 125% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). CSBG funding is provided by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with oversight by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). Basic safety net assistance includes utility and rental assistance as well as supportive services to include long-term case management that focuses on four areas: education, employment, emergency support, and financial education. Case managers work with committed program participants to complete individual assessments, develop case management service plans, arrange for necessary services and follow-up and monitor participants’ status to help them achieve a sustained family income above 125% of the FPL. DHS anticipates serving 1,900 individuals with CSBG in FY 2018.
As part of the annual planning process required by TDHCA, CSBG eligible entities must conduct a public hearing prior to submitting a proposed 2018 budget and Community Action Plan. A public hearing was held on September 7, 2017. Also on this date, the CAAB approved the Program Year 2018 Community Action Plan that includes Individual and Family National Performance Indicators and Targets and the proposed Program Year 2018 budget.
A final award amount from TDHCA will be provided upon authorization of the Fiscal Year 2018 Federal Budget. As requested by the state, DHS proposed a budget based on 2018 estimated CSBG allocations in the amount of $2,022,541.00. The CSBG contract with TDHCA for Program Year 2018 will be executed once the federal budget is approved or a Continuing Resolution is authorized and final award amount is received by the City of San Antonio.
The City of San Antonio is the only designated CSBG eligible entity for Bexar County and no other agency may apply for these funds. If the proposed ordinance is not approved, services provided by the City of San Antonio may be delayed while TDHCA undergoes a process to identify a new designated entity for Bexar County.
This ordinance authorizes the submission of the 2018 Community Action Plan grant application and acceptance of funds, upon award, of $2,022,541.00 in 2018 CSBG funding from TDHCA for the period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018, and approves a budget and personnel complement of 25 DHS positions. The 2018 complement will be reduced by one currently vacant full-time FTE to provide additional direct assistance funding for program clients.
There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the General Fund.
Staff recommends approval of this ordinance authorizing the submission of the 2018 Community Action Plan, Budget and Personnel Complement and acceptance of 2018 CSBG funds, upon award, of up to $2,022,541.00.